"Uh, yeah, I'm sorry, that's me." Alexander responded with a slightly embarrassed smile. "I was making my own drink stuff and... well... I got distracted." He rubbed the back of his head with his left hand, laughing a bit, he shook the tied up plastic bag in his right hand down by his side. "I get distracted pretty easily." He smiled and cocked his head slightly to the side. "No need to be sorry, it does smell pretty gross, that's why I'm tossing it into the dumpster." [i]Aren't you going to introduce yourself and me?[/i] Kas asked him hopping up from the floor and scrambling up to rest across Alex's shoulders. "Oh, right, sorry, I'm Alexander Akiyama, Alex or Xander for short. This is my daemon Kasai, but he goes by Kas. And I'm sorry I have been rambling, but if you want some coffee, I just have to get rid of this junk and then I would love to grab a non-burnt cup." He smiled and hurriedly ducked through a door to the outer area of the school and ditched the plastic bag full of burnt material into a nearby dumpster, then hurried back hoping he hadn't offended the girl.