^Skype and Google Docs do miracles for RPing. It's nice to be able to do joint-posts with people. Makes conversations in RP form look so much more natural. I've been RPing since 2008 and I still haven't been in a game that formerly finished. I've been in at least a hundred that have died out or have become so slow paced they've become comatose. Really depressing, actually. I still have fun with these games, I just never get that feeling of closure I'd like. Been doing a couple games with a close knit group of friends. We're moving at an extremely slow pace, but I feel those RPs are the only ones that have a chance. When you actually know who you are RPing with, it definitely makes getting things done a lot easier. As good as anonymous people can be, it's impossible to expect any to be reliable. Maybe I'll be able to gloat about one I've finished one day. Doubtful, but, hey, I'll try to remain optimistic.