[i]I can't go out there not like this I can't call myself a goddess this is a CURSE they'll hate me[/i] One of the Wild Gods sat hunched in her room, hiding in the narrow space between her bed and the wall. [i]But this is my gift to GIVE to SPREAD let them all see the world in its glory its colors its wonder[/i] Today was not going to be a good day for her. The torrent of thoughts rising in her mind was drowning out any thought of getting herself ready to meet the others. [i]They're strong they can resist me but i want them to be open i want to have friends friends that don't go mad[/i] She was all too clear on the nature of her domain. She was "gifted" with Madness. For her, it was as if the change had never stopped. Every morning, the world held new and ever-stranger details, and every night new horrors lurked in the corners of her mind to torment her. [i]I look like a FREAK I have since this started I have to warn them to STAY AWAY I'm not safe for them[/i] She would certainly be easy to tell apart from your average teenager; while many girls her age had brightly dyed hair and wild makeup, she took it to the extreme. Today she had the left side of her hair dyed acid green and cut short, while the hair on her right was a dark blue and fell past her shoulder. Her makeup was heavy and smudged, since she hadn't taken it off before sleeping... or at any point during the last three days. [i]Alone is best I'm safe and they're safe I have to leave here I need to get out[/i] She stood up, dragged the blanket from her bed and wrapped herself in it, then shuffled over to the door. [i]But they want me here I need to know I need to get away I need to see them I need to just see them they could be like me[/i] The girl reached one trembling hand out to the doorknob and slowly swung it open, looking both ways before stepping out into the hallway toward Grayhall. ---------------------------------------------------- As she arrived in the hall, Jennifer looked around at the other Wild Gods and Caretakers arriving. [i]I miss my Caretaker she's probably still worrying about the demons behind her eyes it would have been fine if she didn't try and get them out[/i] She made her way over to one of the side walls and sat down against it, pulling her blanket tightly around her. [i]Oh no they're staring I knew they would I knew I should have stayed I should have changed[/i] Only now, with several sets of eyes upon her, did Jennifer realize that she was wearing nothing but a pair of sweatpants and a bra underneath her blanket. She was unused to dealing with anyone other than herself, since for the last few weeks she had been avoiding contact with others. [i]Have to stay calm can't lose it here too many they could be worse what if I can affect them they'd be crazy like me[/i] She shrunk down into her blanket, looking away from the others. She couldn't let her powers get away from her. She couldn't let them claim someone eI can'lse in a flare-up. [i]Somebody HELP no STAY AWAY I can't take it they can't take it make it stop[/i]