Tichondrius's eyes were glued on the pale girl as she removed each of her necklaces, her albino snake slinking down her arm as she finished removing her accessories and removed the collar from his hand. His eyes almost glowed with excitement as she brought the collar up to her neck, the dark supple leather contrasting sharply to her neon white skin, as if it were being showcased before him. He hadn't realised she was speaking until the word '[i]look[/i], her sing-songy voice snatching up his attention. He absolutely loved the look of it, though it could've been just a smidge tighter. A dull rising pain began to build in his chest, rising through his throat, drawing his attention to the fact that he had been holding his breath the entire time. '[i]Huh[/i]', the thought went through his mind, '[i]I don't normally do that now, do I?[/i]' Tychus's hands went to his notebook, his pen quickly dancing across the page as he heard the daemon compliment his work, giving him a strange sense of satisfaction. If it could please a daemon, then it was usually decent work. He could find happiness in knowing that the wolf-like familiar to the pale girl appreciated his work. When Tychus looked up from his notebook, having heard what she had to say, he frowned slightly watching her take her leave from the room to wait for him to model for her. '[i]Fair is fair, I suppose[/i]', his frown slowly morphed into a small smile as a devious thought flickered through his mind, reminding him of something he really should've mentioned to the girl. He had lost the key to that lock some time ago, so for the time being she couldn't exactly get out of it without cutting it off, which could be dangerous and would certainly be a pain in the ass. A soft sound, almost like a whisper, caught his ear and drew his attention to Rin's forgotten possession. The white snake which was clearly looking for a ride. Tychus snickered quietly and quickly threw the scabbard containing Jin over his shoulder as he made he way to the snake, carefully bringing its head up to his face. It shot it's tongue out at him, Tychus happily replying with a flicker of his own tongue. The snake seemed to accept the gesture and lurched forward onto his shoulder, curling around the scabbard of Jin, its head resting on the buttcap of Jin. Tychus made his way out into the arm room, mildly amused that the snake was attracted to the warmth that pulsated from Jin's dormant state. It seemed his daemonic friend had a use even when asleep. Tychus joined up with Rin and the daemon dog, move to where the daemon had been sitting earlier. He looked around, biting his lip as he thought of what might work best for her, a flash of inspiration shooting through his bright eyes. He turned his back to the girl and removed the scabbard from his shoulder, placing it on the ground for a moment, being mindful of both the snake and his daemon. His hands shot up to his waist and in quick motion he pulled the sweater off, dropping it a few feet to his left, revealing the intricate [url=https://i.imgur.com/WmnKF.jpg]trash polka tattoo[/url] that sprawled across his back. He then brought the scabbard back up, sliding his arm through the strap and letting it hang from his left shoulder, the snake still comfortably curled around the sword. He looked back toward Rin, smiling warmly as made an "OK?" with his hand, hoping that it was passable to the young artist.