[center][b]Hansa Cartel[/b][/center] [center][img=http://i58.tinypic.com/29pdzb5_th.png][/center] [b]Subject:[/b] Faction [hider=Location] [b]Asteroids:[/b] In the Kuiper Belt, many hidden drug silos, weapons warehouses and communication stations exist, hidden either as simple asteroids, abandoned industrial facilities, wreckages and Trade Stations. [b]FTL Gates:[/b] The Maoju Gate is the most traficked FTL gate that connects the old world of the Solar System with the exotic nations of Alpha Centaury. The station is designed to be nearly autosuficient, with artificial crops, fueling stations, Stock Exchange, casino, postal services, ship hangar, reparation facilities and a full stablished Customs and Security Enforcement crew. The station is directed by some Knights of the Cartel. [/hider] [hider=Government] [i]Corporate clan kleptocracy / [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keiretsu]Keiretsu[/url]:[/i] The Cartel, as itself, is a secret society. The members of the cartel pertain to a clan of directives that has extended a complex net of extorsion, influence, loyalties and control over major and minor corporations and government ranks. The Cartel hierarchy is structured imitating the chess pieces. The King is the chairman of the Cartel. His closest assistant is the Queen, who has often been a public figure in the Futokai Society times. The Bishops are the members who assist to the Council. The Rooks membres implied in security opperations, and the Knights are those responsable of key economical positions. The Pawns are the less important agents, and perform a wide range of tasks. The inner structure of the clan is only known by the King, the Queen and the Bishops, who periodically meet, and design the strategy of the Cartel. Most decisions are taken unanymously. This council can elect a new King after the demise of the previous one, or in extraordinary situations.[/hider] [hider=History] During the beggining of the Colonial Era, many of the gratest corporations saw an opportinity in speculating and controlling the credit, products and immigrants flux. Some carefully selected, powerful organizatons representatives, signed a cooperation, and founded the Futokai Society. Soon, the Society agents were stablihed as key political, finantial and industrial figures that would later become implied in the early Colonial Administration. Some years later, the Society controlled, nearly the 8% of the shares of the disappeared Agriculture Colonial Fund, and around the 54% of the Interplanetary Development Metal and Fuel Reserve. By that time, the secretive Cartel managed to infiltrate its agents in the Venus Stock, and in many Customs Offices. From then on, the Society begun an aggressive financial campaign, which assured the loyalty of the credit demanding emergint bussiness at small scale. Like a huge, carefully planed, yet covered check mate, soon the Cartel controled a not so small portion of the Solar economy. However, during the Martian Wars, these infamous corporations, who speculated and tried to profit with the war output, were targeted by the new authorities. In two days, the known corporations of the body of the Society was erradicated, and Paolo von Sallhadan, the founder, was executed. After this great purge and corporate prosecution, the Cartel was at the edge of disappearing. 30 years later, an invitation was sent to some very talented ambitious individuals. They were summoned to a small, remote, outpost. This reunion gathered both members of the economical and financial elite, politicians, and narcotrafic and paramilitar groups. Again, the Cartel is reborn from its ashes, and his secretive plans develope silently yet unstopabble. [/hider] [b]Culture:[/b] Mistery shrouds the Hansa Cartel, as much as it did with now disappeared Futokai Society. However, this Organization model stablished a complex etiquette as a neutral ground for interactig with the very diferent backgrounds of the Cartel agents. Some of the cartel highest directives are great collectionists and philantropists, and that seems to be a value greatly appreciated in the Cartel elites. Honesty, loyalty, dedication, cooperation, intelligence, and subtleness. Many subgroups included in the Cartel have very peculiar cultural perks, that are, however, not relevant to the executive funcions of the Hansa Cartel. [b]Military:[/b] The Cartel forces are not an army. Instead, they control an heterogeneus group of gang members, terrorist cells, paramilitar groups and spy and saboteur agents. Unoficially, the Cartel operates a large fleet, composed mainly of small fast vessels., utility and industrial civilian ships as well as some big cargo ships, [hider=Technology] Other: The few relevant techological advantages of the Cartel are kept in secret. Some of them would be specially useful in more honorable hands: - [i]ESIWS (Electronic Signal Invisibility and Warfare Systems):[/i] This devices are able to hide the electronic signatures of their ships and comunnications, using electronic warfare attacks, firewalls and other devices, so as to ahieve scanning undetectability and infection inexpugnability. Very similarly, they fake their vessels identity to appear like asteroids and different ships. - [i]Remote decentralized manufacturing and logistics:[/i] The urge for occultation has incentivated the developement of miniaturized factories, able to syncronize and adapt their production even they are dispersed in remote locations, so as to permit a continuous supply adaptable to situations such as inspections, resource shortage and sleeping factories. - [i]Biological Dynamical Materials:[/i] Due to the increase in security measures to avoid drug and weapon smuggling, the Cartel bioengineers developed intelligent biological materials able toremain as legal substances and later become the desired product autonomously. - [i]Long Range Communication Devices:[/i] This Systems allow both emission of and interception of encripted and open communications., The Cartel uses these facilities to anticipate the authorities moves and to coordinate their agents from changing, remote locations. - [i] Applied Genomic-comestics:[/i] This technology, actually in development, is intended for the impersonation of selected targets through a deep modification of special agents. The modification implies the substitution of the agent own fliuds, fignerprints, retina and genome to the point of assimilating the target's biometrical identity. [/hider] [hider=Organizations and Characters] Only known to the King, Queen and Bishops, some examples of the most relevant Cartel affiliates and their position in organizations are the following. [b]King:[/b] [i]Haro Santayama[/i] [center][img=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/d9/Diego_Rodr%C3%ADguez_de_Silva_y_Vel%C3%A1zquez_-_Luis_de_G%C3%B3ngora_y_Argote_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg/250px-Diego_Rodr%C3%ADguez_de_Silva_y_Vel%C3%A1zquez_-_Luis_de_G%C3%B3ngora_y_Argote_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg][/center] Santayama family was a Pawn in the time of the Futokai. The family had been very influent in the militar aristocracy, and possesed a great amount of shares on many different corporations. After the fall of the Futokai, the Santayama were deprived of their inheritance and possesions. 30 years after, the Santayama empire did not exist anymore. However, a young hacker and librarian,called Pirror Suntuz, managed to find the records and accountancy of this family, and through it, the records of Futokai Society.After years of arduous investigation, he set a plan: He waited for the perfect ocasion. After the surpising demise of the old King, hacked the screens of the ongoing Pirror presented himself as Haro Santayama, and brilliantly managed to convince the Bishops. For 50 years now, the misterious but respeted Haro Santayama has ruled uncontestedly in the Cartel. [b]Queen:[/b][i]Lady Ti Su:[/i] Venus People’s Cooperative aristhocrat [b]Bishops[/b] [i]Victorio Argentieri:[/i] CEO of Advira Genomics-Cosmetics [i]Bao Yoon:[/i] Broker and accountant in the Gates Stock Exchange [i]“Sultan” Papar al-Beyiravidi:[/i] Director of Jadam-Pharma, chief of Narcotic operations [i]Grigory Malmalac:[/i] Weapons industrialist. CEO of Kobrutz Autosystems [i]Joh Sohaya:[/i] Lawyer of the Church of Tandra [b]Rooks[/b] [i]Asago Togo:[/i] Leader of the Restoration Army [i]Antonio Lazcano:[/i] Leader of the Gaia Pangeatic Comando [b]Knights[/b] [i]Pao Tagore:[/i] Director of Kinova Investment Bank [i]Theresa Llebenys:[/i] CEO of Derinyuku Mineral Explotations Conglomerate [i]Musa Lagoenamur:[/i] Computer Security Assistant in Sol-Media Consortium [/hider] EDIT: TYPOS,TYPOS EVERYWHERE