[center][b]Alexei "Alex" Vronsky[/b] [img]https://24.media.tumblr.com/c41e570caa5db0b456680eae75d5c3f4/tumblr_mpe1fmX91Q1su0f9ho1_500.gif[/img] [b]Witch || Male || 19 || Stars[/b][/center] [b]Personality -[/b] In high school, Alex was cocky, charismatic and manipulative. Now, pretty much nothing has changed. Possessed with supernatural powers, a reflection finally to match his overdeveloped sense of self-importance, he is one cool cat. He knows that he is the king of his castle, so to speak, and he is not too afraid to embrace it. Insincere and deceitful, a master of misdirection, he takes great pleasure in duping any of those he can. Quickly growing obsessed with the things that grab his attention, whether a person or an idea to distract himself from having one of his "episodes". [b]History -[/b] Alexei Vronsky was born in a church to a woman who died during childbirth without a husband. The baby was placed in an orphanage, and, after realising that no one would adopt a child who cut the other kids’ hair in their sleep or caught bugs just to burn them under a magnifying glass, he was put into foster care. Never adopted but always moving, Alex lived with more than his fair share of loving families, but none of them fit - none of them were his own. He even burned down one of the houses he was in - by accident, of course, and no one was injured. Just by flashing those doe eyes of his, Alex got out of a lot of trouble as a child. Coming from such a background, Alexei made it a point to always stay at the top of the food chain in school. By senior year in high school, every guy wanted to be him, yet every guy feared him. He walked around school as if he owned it. Alex was your cliche bully with your cliche cheerleader girlfriend, and to be honest, he kind of hated it. He always wanted more - more than his friends could give him, more than his family could ever offer. That was when his abilities began to surface. He tested the limits of his powers on stray animals unfortunate enough to cross his path, before slowly moving on to anyone in school who got in his way. Using his newfound powers, Alexei pretty much ruled over the entire school populace. He used his abilities sparingly, of course, so as to not attract unwanted attention. But he wasn't quite discreet enough. Some people grew suspicious of him, but none of them were brave enough to bring it up. The final straw came when Alex used his pain illusion on a student who looked at him wrong. Before long, an agent was sent out by The Council to smooth things over with anyone who witnessed the incident and Alex was whisked away to join Miss Robichaux's Academy. [b]Power(s) -[/b] [i]Neurocognitive Deficit:[/i] The user can cause the target's upper brain functions to shut down temporarily causing unconsciousness. [i]Pain Illusion:[/i] The ability to trick an individual's mind into thinking they are in physical pain. Though it has no actual physical effect on the body, the pain is quite effective to put a target down no matter the size. He can only use this power on one target at a time. [b]Weaknesses -[/b] Alex tends to lose control of his powers whenever his temper flares; which is something that happens quite often. Furthermore, his judgement is usually clouded by the heat of the moment, and he doesn't think things through before actually carrying them out, leading to poor decisions on his part. [b]Other -[/b] He is also prone to self-destructive fits of depression; periods of time where he refuses to see or speak to anyone. Due to this, he cuts - deep, but never deep enough to kill him. At least up until now. [i]"I'd rather burn than boil."[/i]