You know, normally I'd try to think of something witty and hilarious to say in this situation but, damn. I say with no amount of exaggeration that I am actually awed by the attitude you show towards this and how fucking terrifying it has to be. I'm trying to put myself in your situation, and I'm coming up short. I literally can't imagine being in a situation that willingly asking the doctor to take your leg is the option you want. I respect the hell out of you for this, and just how bravely you're facing the whole thing. If you can stare down something like this, then my own problems should be a cakewalk. It's rather inspiring. On the plus side, it's better now than ever when it comes to prosthetic limbs, so I actually think this may be the best decision you can make. I would love for nothing more than to read you can walk again, and I really hope that the prosthetic can give you your life back. If you need any inspiration, just look up Terry Fox. He tried to run across Canada with one leg and terminal cancer to collect a dollar from every Canadian for cancer research. He didn't make it because the cancer spread (he got from St. Johns Newfoundland to Thunder Bay, Ontario, which in itself is an INSANE distance). My dad didn't believe the whole Terry Fox thing was real when he heard about it happening on the radio until he actually saw him hobbling down the high way he happened to be on. My dad said he had 20 dollars on him, but would have given him everything he had if he'd had more on him. That's one way to feel like an asshole. But seriously man, I look forward to the day you post that you're walking again.