Jarred flew across building tops. with Vernon next to him; Ryan and James close behind. This was absolutely terrifying. He gulped. At least he had his squad mates next to him. Angelo brought a titan down, but didn't kill it. It was enough for now though. They continued their sweep and made it quite far into the city, not spotting much but rubble and dismembered bodies of their comrades and civilians. Suddenly, they heard squealing screams from the street next to the one they had landed to rest in. They were screams of pain. They were in a street fairly close to the wall where the hole had been made right now, so there should be no civilians nearby. Nevertheless, they speed off, and emerged on a rooftop looking into the street in question. Plain enough, their they were. The children from earlier. Jarred was shocked. How had they not made it away? He cursed the local garrison under his breath. He leaped down off the roof and zipped over to them in a hurry. "Kids! Hurry this way! Now!" He ushered them behind the squad. He turned his head to see what they were frozen in fear of. He was also frozen in terror, and in horror. He couldn't get a hold of himself, and nor would the others. He thought when they arrived they were one child short. There he was. In two pieces. One piece in each hand of a titan. "...Just... a child.... HAVE YOU NO MERCY?!" He was crying, but they were tears of anger. He draw both blades. "We'll cut you up into more pieces than that you bastard!" The titan dropped the remains of the child and focused on them. Jarred was about to charge all by himself, when the action behind that titan caught his eye. They could see the hole in the wall very clearly from their position, that's how close they were. 5, 12 meter class, and 2, 10 meter class titans had entered, and were heading their way at an alarming rate. That made 8 titans, and 4 of them. They had to do their duty, but it was impossible to defeat them all surely? He thought for just a moment, before realizing the dreadful choice they had to make. They could all stay, and try to fight all 8 titans, but if they died, the children would be ripped to shreds. They could leave the children behind all together as losses and all get away. Or... they could take all the children and escape via the manoeuvre gear. There was one problem with that though. The kids would weigh them down, so they would have to use more of their gas to make it back to the inner wall in one piece. gas which the 3 carriers of the children didn't have. Jarred looked down. If they wanted to guarantee the children's safety, one of the squad would have to stay behind, giving all of their gas to the rest, so they could complete the journey back. The person left behind would have to fight all 8 titans alone, with only their gear, and no gas. He dotted his eyes around at the group. They were all well trained, and they would have all just thought of the exact same three ideas as him. The question was, which plan would they go with. He waited for their quick response whilst the titans were closing in.