This is a starting post to an rp I want to do. Where you will be playing the popular guy who also picks on this girl. And I want to add some romance to this. I will accept more than one person because different people means different stories. It may start the same, but end completely different! Message me or post here if you're interested. "GET UP YOU LAZY BUM!" With a jerk of her arm and a thud, Jasmine was out of bed in an instant. Woken by her father who had ripped her out of bed demanding she should get up. But what for? She knew that school started today, but not for another few hours. The clock only read 3am. Why on earth would her father get her up so early? "I said get up!" he screamed yet again, tugging on the arm he had just yanked to get her out of bed, making the girl stand up. A small whimper came out of her as it hurt to yank her arm, her father glared. "You were supposed to have my breakfast ready!" Delusional her father, he was a drunk and he never got his times right or anything right for that matter. He always demanded breakfast at early in the morning, not like normal people. A small sigh escaped her pale, lips. Breakfast again, at 3am, that's not normal, but she must supply to her fathers wishes. Some people would say, what's the worst that could happen if she were to ignore her father and to back to sleep. She'd laugh in the face if they said that. Her father was abusive, she never understood why. Her mother had passed away when having her, and since she could remember her father was abusive towards her, it scared the life out of her. Sometimes she wishes he would just finish her because that'd be better than what he does to her. At least he doesn't rape her like some fathers. Not yet anyways, she knew if he decided to, it would come sometime. Scurring down the stairs almost tripping on them, she had to get going on his breakfast. There was no stoping her father once he was mad. The only reason he would stop beating her is if a show he loved came on. Which is not often, mostly sports so she get a little break sometimes. Or he gets tired, which also is a rarety. Flying about in the kitchen, she made sure that there was an ice cold beer in the fridge and got it out so her father wouldn't have to get it himself. Finally finishing breakfast, she made just enough for her father. Daring to leave an egg in the frying pan so she could have it. Her father stumbled into his chair, popped the cap off the beer and chugged it like it was the last beer he'd ever have. Then gobbled down his eggs, bacon, and toast. He stayed in the kitchen which was not normal. So she wasn't able to sneak the egg. And sure enough he got up and as he did he glanced over at the pan and found the egg. "What is this?!" he said grabbing the hot pan. "I told you, you eat when I SAY YOU CAN!" and with a smack he smacked her arm with the frying pan leaving it there for a few seconds to make it burn her. She screamed a high pitch scream and jumpped away holding her arm. Her father laughed, "Wimp". Jasmine then quickly cleared the table and started with her chores. It was getting quite late and she had to leave for school. Of course walking and school was ten blocks away. Jasmine finished cleaning and asked her father if she can leave. But he was passed out on the couch with the t.v. blaring, so she quickly got dressed. She dressed herself in a long shirt, long skirt, and gloves. And she kept her hair down to hide the scars on her neck from her father beating her with multiple things, or whatever he could find really. Her long brown hair went down to her waist, but she tried her best to comb what she could before she had to sneak out and start running to school. It was about to start and she still needed her schedule etc.