Shintaro let out a bit of a sigh to the girl's cynical response, she seemed a bit down. Well after all, the last thing they all remembered was their own deaths, so he understood why she could feel that way. Within a short second, the guardian spoke up to them all and proposed that they could pick out their quarters if they wished it. Shintaro rubbed his hands together excitedly and peered at all the different rooms. They weren't over the top fancy, but they were better than the homes he used to live in, that was for sure. Most people had already claimed their rooms, so Shintaro went for whichever one was open. He gazed around the room and was pretty satisfied with the setup that the Goddess had given them, but maybe later he'd try to see if he could give it some more décor to make it feel homier. He wasn't sure what to add, though, so the room was satisfactory for him right now. He also didn't feel particularly tired at the moment, so he figured he might try to find something else to do. Maybe look around, look at the beautiful Goddess again, maybe do something else...Shintaro didn't really know what his plans were for the day. As soon as Shintaro opened his door back up, he stood in the hallway for a moment before noticing one of the guardians run out of her room naked. He tried not to laugh, but thankfully she didn't seem like she was frightened or anything when she ran out of the room. In fact she seemed kind of happy, like she didn't realize that she was naked until she saw everyone gawk at her. Shintaro averted his eyes up at the stone walls, pretending as if he was talking to someone. Maybe someone heard him. “The masonry here is quite nice. Back home we didn't make walls like this...back at home...this is quite the presentation...” He tapped his finger against the hallway wall, trying to look occupied until the girl made it back to wherever she was going.