"Yes, Thank you ah..." Urtum paused a second thinking. A.L.I.S. interrupted, "Commander Venjix." "Ah yes." He nodded and grabbed some supplies as well as a quite hefty looking pistol that he strapped to his belt. He quickly carried his things and followed the turian, "Assuming ship has nice lab. Limited time, need nice facility for testing." The Salarian went on about the experiments he was going to go through, explaining each one in extreme detail. Every so often his A.I, A.L.I.S, would have to remind the doctor to breath as he talked. After a short while an explosion sounded back near the mine and a swarm of the zombie-like creatures flooded out. "Imminent danger. Good chance to get sample. 96% chance of getting perfect specimen, not getting subject could be... Problematic for the future." Urtum shoved his supplies into Angelo's hands, "Hold supplies, will be busy." With that he ran towards the advancing horde. As he approached one, Urtum slammed his foot into the ground and launched himself over the creature, while also pulling out his pistol and shooting the creature. He made sure not to hit any vital organs or notable areas of study, but still make the shoots lethal. As he landed the Salarian wrapped his arm around the now limp figure and ran back to the group. "Perfect specimen." A.L.I.S spoke up, "Good job sir, this will be perfect for testing." Urtum nodded in agreement.