Taiyo didn't have a body in this world. So, playing tricks sounded pretty fun. He passed through the closed bus door and looked around. He saw a bird steal a roll and come to the bus. "Hah, idiot!~" He chimed to nobody in particular. He passed through the now human-shaped god, and left an indelible tag of indictment on his skin. Now he could wait till the sins piled up and bring their weight down on his head. It would be so much fun to see a sinner collapse under the weight. He left the guy alone for now, and found the other guy and the girl. He became visible behind the girl. "Boo!" He said, and laughed. "So, you are the new students?" He asked. "I guess not all of them are dead, huh? does that make me a special case? Well, anyway, we are all special in our own way, aren't we? So, who are you? Despite my ghostly state, I'm not actually here to be a ghost. I died, but, that's not important. I'll be a student with you all, and I should get my body back soon." He mused, enjoying the floating. "Oh, I forgot to mention. I'm the god of law and sun to be. So watch it evildoers!" He said, in a corny fashion. He settled down, and looked at the two patiently.