[center][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/61677/posts/ooc?page=1#post-1912810]Interest Check[/url][/center] --- [center][img=http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20080207115854/finalfantasy/images/1/1a/UC_22.jpg][/center] --- [i]You are dead. Or rather, very much close to it. You should be dead. You're going to be dead...very soon. You are one of many victims who were taken off the streets, secretly stolen into the night. As you slowly awaken into your new home, you discover five others very much like yourself: teenage, frightened and kidnapped from their normal everyday lives. You have been taken in for experimentation, locked in a facility known only to you as Greeneburg. However, just as you give into despair, a miracle happens.[/i] [center][i]A storm hits.[/i][/center] [center][i]The power is gone.[/i][/center] [i]You need to get out....now. But then you start to realize something...all of the other occupants want out as well. Most of them aren't exactly human. And what's worse? Someone....or something is hunting you down.....and they want you very much dead.[/i] --- [b]Roles to be claimed:[/b] [b]The Alice:[/b] The subsequent leader of your little group of escapees. You were the one who united those around you and brought responsibility upon yourself. Having been the first to wake up in your new prison, you yearn to return home and survive above all else. Now how are you going insure you all get out alive? Especially with Hell closing in around you? The most likely to keep a level head. [b]The Cheshire Cat:[/b] A sort of consultant within the group, but obviously someone not quite right in the head. You are constantly giving out hints of helpful advice or "accidental" misconceptions. No one knows what your goals are and there are even rumors flitting about your sanity. However, everyone can agree that you probably belong in Greeneburg more than anyone else. The most likely to prank both foe and friend. [b]Reserved.[/b] [b]The White Queen:[/b] Kind and compassionate, you are the comfort and reasoning behind the group. Putting others before yourself, you strive to keep everyone happy and compliant, despite the dire circumstances. However, unbeknownst to anyone, you hold a shattered resolve behind your forced smile and often find yourself diving into darkened thoughts of despair. The most likely to give out random hugs. [b]Taken by Mizuho.[/b] [b]The White Rabbit:[/b] You don't care how you got here or why you were kidnapped. All you know is that you want out. Now. If joining the others in their bandwagon will accomplish that, then so be it. You deeply crave for your life before captivity and will do anything to sleep in your warm bed again. But for now, everyone will just have to deal with your complaints and hyperactive behavior. The most likely to freak out in situations. [b]Taken by UnendingEmpire.[/b] [b]The Raven:[/b] Silent and unwavering, you believe that actions speak louder than words and prefer to verbally talk only in times of intense crisis. Considering your situation, you should be singing like a canary. You have a strong loyalty to those around and will not hesitate to become the "hero" at times. Alternatively, you also prefer calm and silence, often choosing to keep to yourself and giving off a mysterious vibe. For some reason though, you seem to have a strange affinity for the Mad Hatter. The most likely to wander off. [b]Taken by Major Ursa.[/b] [b]The Mad Hatter:[/b] Whereas the Cheshire is to be questioned constantly, you're just outright insane. Evidently though, it was you who caused the power outage and you claim to assist the group in any way you can. Of course, they have to put up with your mindless and outright creepy habits, but that's a small price for freedom, right? The most likely to break out into laughter at the most inappropriate of times. [b]Taken by tatszico.[/b] [b]The Queen of Hearts:[/b] The driving antagonist of our sad little tale. You are a predator, hunting down the escaped children with a blood thirst. Your intent is not to kill...well, maybe just a few. All you need anyway is just one alive, so options aren't narrow. Truly insane, you hold the mentality of an obsessed schoolgirl and care naught for anyone and anything. That is, except your boss, the Head Director of Greeneburg: Jabberwocky. They are the light and eternal affection of your world; everything else can burn. The most likely to leave her victims headless. [b]Taken by BioHazard.[/b] --- [hider=CS] Appearance: Height: Weight: Hair Color: Eye Color: Skin-tone: Name: Age: History: Personality: Likes: Dislikes: Other:[/hider] [hider=Rules] 1. No Godmodding, but good luck finding some way to do so. 2. Although there is no posting order, I strongly recommend that you wait at least two turns before posting again. 3. All characters are teenagers with the exception of the Queen of Hearts. They may be either a teen or an adult. 4. This is an anime RP. I expect Japanese names, honorifics, and images. 5. Characters may not kill each other unless there is a mutual agreement between those players. 6. All characters are human with human capabilities. No exception. 7. All characters are liable to permanent death within the RP's story. I will warn players when their decisions may end in such a result, but obviously stupid decisions WILL get you killed. 8. Players who have a killed character may still participate in the RP in the form of using Greeneburg's deranged occupants to antagonize the remaining players still alive. 9. This RP will be mostly based on player choices. Therefor, I will directly interact only through obstacles, threats, and the main Baddie. 10. Relationships between characters are strongly encouraged. Makes it more amusing to me when they die. 11. Discussion in the OOC is nice, but if there is prolonged heated argument, take it in the PMs. Otherwise, I will solve the problem....quickly. 12. All characters can be of either gender. The only exception to this is again, the Queen of Hearts, who is specifically female. 13. You may also kill off your own character if you so choose to. 14. Just to make things more atmospheric, let's have some group characters be children of esteemed royals. Not required, but possible. Cause Alice in Wonderland vibe. 15. To prove you actually read all of this, post a monster/mutant/ psychopath idea that you would like to see your characters face off against at the end of your CS. 16. Have fun. Or I will make you have fun 0)_(0[/hider] [hider=Accepted OCs][center] 1. [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/62059/posts/ooc?page=1#post-1916988]Yuki Hyouga, the White Queen[/url]-Mizuho 2. [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/62059/posts/ooc?page=1#post-1935378]Aiko Saito, the White Rabbit[/url]-UnendingEmpire 3. [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/54938/posts/ooc?page=2#post-1684863]Hāto "Scarlet" Chi, the Queen of Hearts[/url]-BioHazard 4. [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/62059/posts/ooc?page=2#post-1940816]Inou Shou, the Raven[/url]-Major Ursa 5. [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/62059/posts/ooc?page=3#post-1956539]Kinzo Sanada, the Mad Hatter[/url]-tatszico 6. 7.[/center][/hider] [hider=Head Director Jabberwocky] Appearance: Height: ??? Weight: ??? Hair Color: ??? Eye Color: Skin-tone: ??? Name: Age: ??? History: ??? Personality: Likes: ??? Dislikes: ??? Other: ???[/hider] [center][b]As the story progresses more and more, new information will gradually be revealed about the main Baddie above over time. I will alert players to when this information is released. Suspense![/b][/center] [b][center]Only accepting seven people. First come, first serve. 6 out of those 7 have already been taken.[/b][/center]