Name: August Lim Age: 15 Gender: Male Appearance: [[url=] like this but slightly younger and with a cane I guess. Longcoat included [/url] Powers/Equipment: The abilities given by using [url=] Nen [/url] from HunterXHunter, a sort of Ki or life force. August won't have developed a Hatsu by this point, but probably will during the RP World of Origin: Earth Other: Personality: August is sometimes capable of being rational and analytic but oftentimes gets too high-strung or caught up in what he's currently doing to think everything through all the way. He wants to work towards happiness for as many people as possible but has no idea where to start, though lately he's been stuck with the feeling that there has to be something more that he can do with his life provided he gets a chance to leave his old life behind. To that end he really wants to make friends, but a history of moving around constantly makes him feel less than equipped for the task Brief Backstory: August spent a lot of his childhood traveling around from place to place since his parents wanted to make sure he was a world citizen and experienced as much as he could out of life, potentially as a flawed way to overcompensate for the fact that he had to live with a disability from birth. Regardless, he was constantly shifted around between different countries and cities but took advantage of traveling in order to pick up a variety of unfortunately non-social skills, especially indulging in a love of martial arts from a young age. He's at the island as part of another 'horizon broadening exercise'.