Excellent! Ever tried uninstalling Skype and truly removing all its files? Perhaps looked at the background processes it runs by default, hogging system resources it doesn't need? The multitudinous updates that do very little except bloat its files? It used to be good, many versions ago, but over time it has become like an inert computer cancer that simply sits there taking up far more space than it needs. I'm not talking info stealing scary invasive, just an unbelievable data hog thats near impossible to remove once you have it... My real time chatting is carried out via a sub-channel of the guilds own chat system on mibbit, Fallen and Lucius both make use of that channel as well. It doesn't require any installed software or profiles, though you can access the system with dedicated programs if you feel so inclined. Otherwise it functions purely in ones browser. The only real disadvantage I've thus far found is that it doesn't like Rtron for some reason.