I would love to get involved however I can. Mass collab, 1x1, I'm good for any. As for Skype I can't say I use it much, and I did have one before, but because I've never used it I've long forgotten the account information. Like Echo said I'm sometimes on Mibbit but I do most of my collaborative efforts through PM's and the Pads. Doesn't mean I'll stick to it, I can get a skype account up and running eventually. Also as much signature suggest, College has be a bit of a damper on my RPing time. Normally such length in IC's don't bother me, but between classes and work, I find it harder and harder to keep pace with a lot of information, more so when I have other RP's which I juggle my time with. Not that I plan to drop any if I have to (I really didn't want to drop this one), but just so you know why I seem incompetent when it comes to figuring out plot and stuff.