Here's my White Queen, I hope you like her :O [hider=Yuki Hyouga] [center][img=] [b][u]Name[/b][/u] Yuki Hyouga [b][u]Gender[/b][/u] Female [b][u]Height[/b][/u] 5'5 or 167 cm [b][u]Weight[/b][/u] 114 lb or 52 kg [b][u]Hair Color[/b][/u] White [b][u]Eye Color[/b][/u] Blue [b][u]Skin Tone[/b][/u] Pale [b][u]Age[/b][/u] 17 [b][u]Personality[/b][/u] No matter what the circumstance, there's an air of refined elegance and grace surrounding Yuki. A classic beauty, she has a certain charm that captivates everyone around her. With the warm smile always present upon her face, it's apparent that Yuki is one with a very warm demeanor. As a people-pleaser, Yuki is always making sure that everyone's needs are met before hers, never putting herself as a priority. Empathetic and kind, she's always around to lend a ear if anyone needs it. Despite her wealthy family, she's never looked down upon everyone for 'being below her', on the contrary, she's a very timid girl who doesn't have much confidence within herself. She has the wonderful ability to be able to find the good in anyone and everyone, and has a bad habit of being too trusting. She takes on a motherly role in any group. Yuki is pure, innocent, and naive. This may relate to her upbringing, but it's apparent that Yuki doesn't know much about the real world, often holding childlike fantasies about everything. Sometimes though, her smile has a hint of sorrow in it when she thinks nobody is looking... Behind that serene smile of hers, Yuki is empty. She's encountered heavy loss, and that broke her, shattered her and destroyed her. Although she portrays optimism, she's in fact a pessimist--always assuming the worst, wallowing in despair. She has no interest in living besides from her fear of death, believing that there's nothing left for her in this world. [b][u]History[/b][/u] Yuki Hyouga was born as the only daughter to a very wealthy family. She's always been sickly and frail, unable to play outside with the other children when she was younger. Due to her fragile nature, Yuki was confined to her bed for most of her life. She didn't have a chance to go to school with all of her peers, instead relying on private tutors for education. Most of her days were spent gazing out the window, wondering what was going on in the outside world. Due to the fact that she didn't have many people to talk to, Yuki looked forward to meeting anyone and everyone. Although many people of her wealth may be stuck up and arrogant, Yuki was everything but that. She often begged people to tell her stories of their 'adventures' (Anything that seems mundane to a normal person counted as an exciting adventure for Yuki), and eventually she resolved that someday, she would be strong enough to go on her own adventures as well. In her preteen years, everything seemed to have been looking up for Yuki. For the first time in her life, she began gaining strength, and the time she spent out of her bed started to increase. Right as she was deemed strong enough to go to school, the arson happened. She and her older brother were away on a doctor's visit, but everyone else--her family, the maids, the servants, the butler, the pets, the visiting friends, all perished in a fire. Later, it became evident that an arsonist had set everything ablaze due to a grudge against the Hyouga family. Yuki and her brother lost everything, and they were separated into foster care. While physically Yuki finally was strong enough to survive, her emotional strength completely shattered. All she does now is assure everyone that she's fine, with that empty smile upon her face. [b][u]Likes[/b][/u] Flowers, music, animals, hugs, snow [b][u]Dislikes[/b][/u] Anything loud, upset people, herself, creepy crawlies, the dark, solitude[/center] --- Mutant thing: Maybe giant chess pieces that come to life...? Like Wizard's Chess, I guess.[/hider]