Returning the salute to the Creator, Phalanx watched as the male Quarian left before stepping into the ship. [b]"It appears joke was successful. Initiate laughter. Ha. Ha. Ha."[/b] the Geth unit said, though it's laughter didn't really sound like a laugh with its synthetic voice and wording the way to laugh. Still, the synthetic ship AI known as SADI responded in what one may assume to be a playful manner. [b]"Sheer luck was in your favor."[/b] she spoke mildly. Deciding to set a place for itself, Phalanx took the ship elevator to the Crews Quarters. All the while it examined what the Normandy SR3 had to offer. One would expect a Geth to head to the engine or the AI core, but instead Phalanx went to the Starboard Observation. A giant wall sized window being the single thing separating Phalanx from the voids of space. Beside the window was a sofa and a desk, in which Phalanx gingerly set the box it had been carrying on top of it. [b]"I thought the Geth had no use for windows?"[/b] Came the synthetic female voice of SADI as the ship AI questioned the choice of room. Pondering this for a moment, Phalanx only gave a nod. [b]"Affirmative. Geth do not find use of windows. Organics seem to find it interesting however, so investigation is in order."[/b] came the brief reply from the mobile platform! though there was slightly more to it. There was that reason, and there was the reason with a old friend. It was illogical, but she would have wanted to be in this particular room out of any other. After setting down one of the few personal items Phalanx had, the Geth unit decided to resume examination of the ship, as well as perhaps greet its fellow Spectres. Best place to meet was the Command Center, considering most of the organics would be around there for any further command by Galen-Commander. Making its way to the Command Center, Phalanx briefly paused as it watched the crew hurriedly get to work. Most avoiding the Geth unit all together. Well, mostly the humans really. It then spotted one of the human female Spectre's named Major Claire Moore. Phalanx found itself not really wishing to say the name... It sounded too much like another but it ignored any silly illogical misgivings and walked up to her. Giving a human salute before bowing politely. Without waiting for a response, Claire turned hard on her heels and returned the salute, in almost mechanical fashion. The irony was not lost on her. [b]"Greetings Major Claire Moore, Alias Flatcap."[/b] Phalanx greeted as friendly as a synthetic could sound. Deciding to with hold information of her other nickname and age. Female organics don't seem to like to mention age, so it kept with name only. [b]"I am Phalanx. Status acknowledged. It is pleasant to be working with a capable soldier."[/b] Receiving praise like that was a pleasant change in pace from dealing with an alcoholic turian who was intent on letting his crew die rather than deal with his own personal problems, though staring into that flashlight was harsh on Claire's eyes. If she was honest with herself, she probably had about a thousand questions to ask, but time wasn't going to stretch to allow all of them. "I appreciate t' complement. I've never met a Geth before - are y'familiar with t'concept of 'Executive Officer'? If y'eve any sort of problem, logistical, issues w' yer commanding officer, or emotional, y'can come t'me w'it and we'll sort t'out. In return, follow y'orders to best of y'ability an' we'll get on fine." Claire paused for a moment, before letting her natural curiosity get the better of her. "Do geth - I mean, t'geth in front o'me - experience emotion?" Listening to the human woman speaking, Phalanx noticed the slight trouble the human had making eye contact so it silently lowered the brightness function in its glass eye so it was comfortably dim. At the question about if the Geth unit had knowledge on what a Executive Officer is, it nodded in the organic manner to show that it understood. [b]"Affirmative. Executive Officers are ones holding the position in second-command next to the Commander. Studies on human culture has been made.. Quite interesting."[/b] It spoke to show that it was knowledgable before pausing at the next question. So far, this human did not seem to realize the difference with the I, so she probably truly didn't know much about the Geth. Not too surprising, humans knew that the Geth once did quite horrible things to the organic humans over fifty years ago during the time Shepard-Commander discovered the Reapers, but little of the culture.Though the question Claire-Major decided to ask was a common question asked by organics. Sadly, it was a question Phalanx couldn't quite accurately respond. [b]"I understand organic emotions and how organics respond to them, but I lack proper knowledge of natural experience. This one wishes it so, but the opinion is for others to decide. Other Geth find the notion illogical and organics fear the idea,"[/b] it answered as best as it could, but it probably didn't answer the question fully.Deciding that it would ask its own question, the mobile AI looked at the Major. [b]"Claire-Major, a question. What do human organic emotions feel like in your natural experience?"[/b] It asked, having tended to ask human organics this question mostly. Humans tended to be more of the emotional part of organics, so perhaps they had a better grasp on it. "That's...that's a broad question, lad." Claire brought up a hand to scratch the burnt side of her face before folding them back across her chest, leaning back a little, looking into the distance, weighing up the question and the possible answers. "I can' only speak t'my own experience, but...I don' know how t'answer ye, lad. I assume y'see t'world as information, like a computer or summat? I...I don'. T'human experience is more analog than owt else - we still get t'same input as y' - heat, light, an' such - but we don' think of it in terms o' raw data. S'more like everything we receive t'what we've already experienced, an' based on 'at, w' come t'conclusion. F'example, I see you, bu' I don' think of y' just as 'Phalanx', a body wit' a series o' statistics. Yer taller than I am, I've no idea how old y'are, an' a thousand other little things affect m'emotional analysis of y' - I'm a bit scared, 'cause peo- organics, sorry - they're generally scared o' unknown. M'a bit sad, 'cause y' can' feel in t'same way as t'rest o' crew, which y'know, seems unfortunate. Overall, I'm interested in y' more than anythin' else - do y' see? There's lots o' little emotions, which add up t'an overall picture. Sometimes that picture's agreeable. Other times, I...well, t'aint always rosy. D'you understand? M'afraid I'm no' terrible articulate-like." Silently, Phalanx listened to the Major's words as the organic attempted to explain what human emotions were like. It was a hard question it knew, but it was interested in the field. As Claire-Major finished, the Geth unit paused as it processed the information it received. [b]"I believe I understand. Emotions are complicated, difficult to replicate by mere synthetic use. I have a better understanding now then went online during the Geth War. The events that transpired, I didn't react... but now this unit believes in trying to understand. Calculations on what emotions are like to a synthetic like me. Gratitude is offered and appreciation for your wise words. Perhaps we could learn from one another as we work together?"[/b] Phalanx spoke, revealing when its memories started and how old it truly was. It did hope to learn to be a bit like a organic, and be friends with its fellow crewmates. They said the best way to learn was through comrades, in which Phalanx had lacked for many years. Claire couldn't stop herself from laughing - nobody had described her as 'wise' yet, and with a friendly slap of Phalanx's shoulder, the clang of metal on metal followed by another laugh, before she coughed herself back into sensibility and shot a look at the few crewmen who thought it clever to look over towards the chortling officer. "If y'like, lad, if y'like." Had her grasp of history been a little better, she might have raised an eyebrow at just how old Phalanx was, but scholarship was a poor choice of weapon. "I suppose I'll not see y'in t'officer's mess? I'd suggest y'come even if y'don't eat - espirit de corps an' all that." At the laughter and friendly smack the Geth platform tilted its head to the right ever so slightly. The metal flaps surrounding the glass eye parting slightly upward. Perhaps a little attempt to a expresion of a smile. It didn't quite understand what was funny, it had thought it made a compliment but it was satisfied that it could make the Major laugh. At the mention of the mess hall, Phalanx slowly nodded again. [b]"Acknowledged. I will take your advice and attend there. I understand that in human culture, it is rude to not eat while others are consuming. I shall attempt this to settle organic nerves. Much appreciated. Hope we speak once more."[/b] Phalanx spoke before seeing the other Turian Spectre approach. [b]"Greetings."[/b] It greeted before saluting then bowing to the two of them politely before making its way to the mess hall. Eyebrow raised, the Major turned to face Harken, the turian wearing her home's colours. He had a fair approximation of her own accent, which must have been hard, given the alien nature of his face - still, she was hardly going to take cheek like that from anyone - Spectres they might be, and so they were equals, but she was probably old enough to be his mother. [i]Maybe. Depends if turians produce sprogs as quickly as we do. Certainly wouldn't be old enough to be a very well-prepared mother, though.[/i] "Less o' t' 'love', yer cheeky sod," she half-joked, "or I might 'ave t' come oop there an' give y' a firm telling off!" Despite herself, Claire found herself smirking - compared to Galen, this turian was a saint, and infinitely more likeable. "Where y'off to?"