So, there are very few rules. One, no power playing/ God modding. Shouldn't have to say that, but there it is. Also, no matter how skilled you are, there is going to be hits. Maybe not on a coup de grae unless you're pinned and they're not being pompous about it, but, yeah. Two, no being over powered. I will be the judge on this. Three, don't be a dick. If something needs to be dealt with, I will handle it, don't take it out on someone. Four, Have fun. If you aren't gonna have fun, don't join. Besides that welcome. Information I need is the following: Name or Alias. Height and Weight Age Power (optional) Weapon(s) (Up to 4 allowed. Dual weilding counts as two, still.) When it comes to guns only 5 mags allowed, and the mag size must make sense. If you run out, you run out. Maybe have a melee as a back up. Personality