The dust hadn't settled down by the time the instructor, flanked by two teachers came up to the group. The instructor was pretty pissed. Crane: "You troublemaker. What did I tell you last night? Don't cause any more trouble. It hasn't been even a day since then, not even a day!" >:/ Valios: "Now now instructor Crane. These kids just went through enough don't you think? The import thing is they are all safe." Crane: "No thanks to you Reginald. You are on thin ice boy." >:/ Valios: "Professor Aris, will you help me check them for injuries?" Valios and the other female teacher began checking the group for anything too serious. In the mean time, instructor Crane was stil lon Regi's case who seemed ready to cry with regret and apologetic face written all over him. Crane: "I am warning you. If you pull another stunt I will personaly make sure you get kicked out of Becon. From now on until you graduate I will be like your shadow. Just give me a reason." >:/ Valios: "Oh my....." As professor Valios was getting some webs off of Regi to check him for bites and wounds he stopped and grinned. Crane: "You put the entire group in needless danger and you almost ruined the team assignment task. And for what? Just so you can have a little fun?" >:/ Valios: "Instructor Crane...." Crane: "Some of the other students neglected their chance to become a part of a team and fight for a chess piece because of you. How are you gonig to make it up to them? You may have just ruined their entire life while they are here at Becon." >:/ Valios: "Instructor Crane!" Valios startled Crane and finaly got his attention. Professor Valios chuckled and peeled something out of the webs on Regi's back. "Hey Aris, does this mean he wins?" Varios peeled off of Regi a silver chess pieces. The others who had just bronze once all protested in unison. Crane was just standing with his mouth open. "Eeeeeeeeeeeeee!" >:/ Aris: "We have never had a case like this. It's not in the rulebook. But also there is no rule that prevents initiates from entering advanced combat zones and retrieving chess pieces from them........also it's professor Aris...." Valios: "Ain't you lucky Regi, you little devil." Valios laughed as he gave him the piece and slapped him on the back, almost making Regi fall forward. "There is no way you can allow this, instructor?" The guy that pushed Regi down there seemed pretty angry about this. While the professors were discussing the matter......and Aris was pulling Valios by the ear for adressing her so friendly, Regi made his way over to Maia and Alicia who seemed to be the only two without a team. "I-I'm so sorry. For causing you so much trouble. The instructor is right, I-I will try to make it up to you I even got hurt because of me....and I don't even know your name..." He mumbled that last part about Maia, feeling guilty. "Here, it's not much but you can have this." He offered the silver chess piece to Maia and Alicia so they can decide on a leader for the team.