[img]https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/10622351/Projects/RP%20ART/LeakingWorlds/Signatures/Rika%20Haruyomi%20%5Bshanghai%5D.png[/img] [b]"Thanks? what for?"[/b] She wondered not really finding anything she had done thus far thank-worthy, [b]"Come on Tsuki-chan lets move along~"[/b] with a big smile Rika spun once, fully opening the door and taking a peek inside, luckily for her this section wasn't 'under-construction', in fact this seemed lively... even fun. [b]"yey~"[/b] She cheered and walked inside, stopping after she had given her first step into the room noticing something funny. [i]"a ballad? wait no... that's Jazz funny... did it just started?" [/i] She wondered to herself as she wasn't able to hear it before walking into the room, never the less she liked this hall better than the other one, it was lively, it was fun, it was like a party. [b]"look Tsuki-chan~ it's like a party in here~ hehe."[/b] Looking at a painting with a handsome gentleman on a black tuxedo she curtsied and asked, [b]"Could I have this dance?"[/b] Looking back at Tsuki she took a deep breath, relaxing and releasing all of the tension the other room had built, for some reason she found the white room somewhat creepy... made her feel like she was being watched.