Okay, so this is a high casual Skyrim roleplay - my first attempt, so kindly run with me on this. EDIT: The co-GM is Leos Klien, so he can answer any questions you have as well as myself. As one would imagine, a main flaw with roleplays based on games is that someone has to be: 'The Chosen One/Dragonborn/The Badass FPS''... you get the gist of it. So, I had developed a plotline that will sort this out: Basically, it is set during the events of the game Skyrim, 4E 201. The Civil War has begun, tensions are high, and of course, the Dragons have returned; with them a Male Nord by the name of Alyx, a Prisoner of Helgen, and the Dragonborn of lore. Unfortunately, Alyx died quite soon after he killed his first dragon, leaving the world without its prophesied Hero to save it. The Greybeards were astounded, the Holds were horrified, and the High Elves... well, they didn't really care; he was a Nord, after all. With the Dragonborn dead, the dragons spread from Skyrim to the other countries of Tamriel, wreaking havoc as they did. However, not all were about to lay down and accept their fate. Countless members of the nations of Tamriel bound together in the country of Skyrim, pledging to work, no matter their race, their religion, or their past, to destroy the dragon menace, defeat Alduin, and save the world from his cruel and hungry maw. That is where you come in. While you are within this group - named 'Dovahfeyn' - you are free to leave and do as you please. Kill dragons along your way - take part in the Civil War, whatever side you wish. Join factions, guilds, brotherhoods; the world is open to you. Just remember... the longer you tarry in your quest, the stronger Alduin becomes. If your group needs you, you must go. Rules: No Godplay. Correct grammar and spelling at all times, please. I'll let small mistakes go, but seriously people, the computer has spellcheck for a reason. IMPORTANT NOTE!: You are NOT Dragonborn! This means that your chances of surviving in the wilderness of Skyrim by yourself are low. If you do wish to go and kill some dragons, do it with allies - you are not invincible. If I see anyone single-handedly killing Blood Dragons, Giants and hosts of Bandits while replenishing health with cheese, I will kill them off, and you'll be restarting everytime in the fiery planes of Oblivion. The same goes to show for the other unrealistic things in Skyrim - you cannot scale a mountain on a horse, shooting someone and then hiding will not make you magically disappear, and no matter how high your sneak skill is, PEOPLE CAN SEE YOU IF YOU ARE STOOD RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEM. Right, on the basis of how you develop your characters: You can name your own specializations, such as Mage, Warrior, Thief, etc. Just state what skills you're prominent in, and what skills you're not - e.g. a Mage would be specialized in most magics, but not really other things, and smaller thief like people will not have the muscles or strength to do two-handed, heavy armour, smithing, etc.. Also, developing skills and travelling will take time. Travelling from city to city will not take you an hour, it'll take days, if we're doing this realistically. Other than the Dragonborn Quest, any other Quests are still going to be normal - if I make any changes to some of the more major ones (Thieves Guild, Assassins Guild, etc.) I'll let you all know. Character Sheet: Please note that you are permitted to take any of the NPC's from the game and roleplay as them - just ask first, and I'll most likely say yes - just in case you've always wanted to go further with a certain character's storyline or dialogue. Name: ((Something applicable to your race, please.)) Age: ((No younger than 16.)) Race: ((You already know them...I hope.)) Class: ((See above.)) Appearance: ((You can use a picture or description.)) Personality: ((When stating personality here, please carry it over into the roleplay - trust me, sometimes it's tempting to stray.)) Bio: ((Doesn't have to be super in depth, just state why your character joined, basic backstory, aspirations, etc.)) Equipment: ((Any notable weapons, armour, etc, that your character carries. This can include self-made things and spells, just ask me first. Also, make sure your weapons/armour are in line with your Class. A Rogue won't be wearing Ebony Armour.)) Other: ((Any extra information you'd like to add.))