Name: Thorin Doomstride (Thomas Daniels is what his mamma called him, but he didn’t much like that.) Street name: ‘Doomstride’ ‘Doom’ Race: Troll Age: 32 Appearance: [hider=Pic] [URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL] [/hider] Thorin is actually a little small for a Troll, lacking the bulking muscles and hunched physique one would generally expect, however despite this he still has some very intimidating qualities to him. His horns are large and pointy, and he has a large set of curved incisors – both of which he is not opposed to using as savage weapons when in a pinch. He has several piercings in each ear and is always generally scowling or frowning, rarely choosing to show any emotion other than anger. He takes more pride than most in his appearance, though his own opinions of taste and attractiveness differ from your average runner. He wears generally dark clothing, though the occasional coloured item appears from time to time, and he is never seen out and around without his dark sunglasses . Role: Ex-Enforcer Bio: Thorin has never played well with others, his violent tendencies and mood swings often causing problems. A life filled with aggression quickly lead him to become an enforcer for the highest bidder. It wasn’t bad work, it just never quite paid enough. Several years later and a small stack of debit building and Thorin decided it was time to step things up a little. He never cared for the world of corporations, so it was easy enough for him to become a Shadowrunner, targeting different enemies whenever the money came in. Whatever skills and knowledge he lacks, he makes up for with enthusiasm and a plain simple skill for killin. Cyberware: If you're a shadowrunner in 2072, you pretty much gotta have some cyberware (the exception being magicians—as a general rule, the more 'ware you have, the weaker your magic).You're free to make up your own cyberware, but if you want, check out this list and pick some. It gets complicated, so if you're wondering what kind of 'ware would suit your role the best, ask away! Magic: Only applicable for magic-users, of course. Are you an adept, using your magic to augment your senses and physical abilities? Which adept powers do you have? Following a tradition or theme is always cool. Are you a mage, bending the flow mana to your will? What tradition do you follow (For example: Do you believe your power comes from the God of your religion? Do you follow the ancient, dusty tomes of your elders? Digital grimoires of the modern mage?)? What spells do you know? Do you have a mentor spirit? Do you conjure up spirits of your own? Get creative. Are you a shaman, communing with the spirits of nature or even the city itself? Do you follow a totem? Which spirits do you typically command? Do you tend to humbly request their services or command them to do your bidding or something in between? If you want some inspiration for your magic junk (or just want to steal from the books), here's some info that might come in handy. Gear: Don't go too much overboard here. It's likely that the team will be buying equipment suited for the mission. But if you have some specific weapon (many shadowrunners favor katana for close-quarter combat), outfit, drone, vehicle, etc., this is the place to post it. Other: I never know if I've missed something, so feel free to add anything you like here. Okay, I’ve got to here, but I’m not so sure what Cyberwere would be most appropriate – i’m looking through the list but there is quite a bit. What would you guys recommend? Anything that makes shooting, speed – killing kinda things better is what I’m looking for :p I wasn’t going to have any magic if that works? And gear wise I can write up the usual kind of things I’d expect – but is there anything specifically ‘Shadowrunny’ I should keep in mind? I got the rule book but again it looks like there is so much I could read! It looks pretty awesome.