For a few quiet moments, Asmodeus left Andrew alone. Giving him just enough time to resume his place in the world of the book he had been reading about. Content and at peace, Andrew adjusted his black glasses as he read. They had a tendency to slide down the bridge of his nose, bothersome things. To be honest Andrew actually has good, normal vision. It was just that sometimes the small text in books strained his eyesight and gave him headaches. His glasses were to merely magnify the text to make it easier for him to read. Reading glasses, if you would. The cover of his book featured a black image of a woman's face, though the black was made up of various images of birds. The story involved the woman on the cover and her ability to predict people's deaths. Andrew was up to the 2nd book in the trilogy and was completely enraptured when Asmodeus spoke up. "[I]Andy-boy...[/I]" he cooed. Sighing, Andrew paused his reading. "[I]W-what is it?[/I]" "[I]Aren't you the least bit curious about the other passengers?[/I]" "[I]N-n-not exactly...[/I]" "[I]Liar. I know you can smell it[/I]" "[I]Wh-what![/I]" "[I]Women, Andy-boy. Their fragrance. At least two so far[/I]" "[I]S-s-so?[/I]" "[I]Have a peek for me, Andy-boy. I'm curious.[/I]" "[I]....[/I]" "[I]Come on, aren't you a little curious too? I'll leave you alone if you take a peek for me..[/I]" "[I]F-...fine.[/I]" "[I]Attaboy...[/I]" Keeping his book open, he slowly peered his emerald orbs over its top edge and looked around at the other bus riders. Seeing Evera's brown hair, he noticed how she dressed in neutral colors and rather plainly. "[I]A Ferryman[/I]" Asmodeus stated. "[I]W-what?[/I]" Andrew asked, wondering what he meant. "[I]Nothing...[/I]" Asmodeus replied with a musical tone. Quickly looking around, he saw another young man dressed darkly in all black change his seat into a different material. From where Andrew sat, it looked like a velvet or suede. That wasn't a bad idea, to get more comfortable. Though, Andrew couldn't exactly relax yet. "[I]Yeesh, could you dress more morbidly, Dream Eater? What a face too...[/I] Asmodeus commented. Andrew ignored his rude remarks. Then in stark contrast to the young man dressed in all black and the brunette woman was another young man with bright and colorful hair. "[I]Pfft! Is that make-up? A bit of a flamboyant diva, huh, Fruit Cake?[/I]" Asmodeus couldn't help but laugh. His laughter echoing incessantly in Andrew's mind, wearing him down. Eyes looking up slightly, he saw that one of the passengers was a ghostly young man. "[I]Ugh...A goody two-shoes. Pass on to the Netherworld already.[/I]" Having enough of his rude remarks for one day, Andrew spoke up. "[I]Q-quiet! You b-be nice![/I]" Asmodeus voice had a bit of a pout to it. "[I]Oh, boo. You're no fun.[/I]" Looking around one final time, Andrew was grew confused. "[I]Asmodai? I th-thought you s-said there were t-t-two females? Y-you didn't mean that boy with the blue and p-purple hair, d-did you?[/I]" "[I]Eyes right, kiddo.[/I]" Asmodeus said, still slightly pouting from being scolded by Andrew. Andrew froze, growing rigid. Turning his head ever so slowly to the right that you could imagine a creaking sound, Andrew saw at the edge of his peripheral vision that someone else had already chosen their seat in the back, opposite from Andrew. Courage draining from him, he quickly buried his face back into his book. How did he not notice them until now? "[I]Oh come on, I didn't get a good look...[/I]" Asmodeus complained. Sighing, Andrew ducked his head lower and peered from the right most edge of his book. When his eyes fell on Mai, his breath caught in his throat. "[I]Ooh...she's a cute one, don't you think? A priestess too. She'll be fun to 'play' with and corrupt...[/I]" Andrew gave him no response, choosing instead to ignore him.