It's 70 years after the end of the Dragon Age. Life in Orzammar continues as it always has. Dozens of houses scramble for power to replace King Therald Aeducan, grandson of the great King Harald Aeducan, who after being betrayed by his brother Bhelen, was banished to the deep roads to die. He returned 7 years later however and exposed Bhelen for what he was and claimed the Throne. King Therald has constructed a plan to recover the lost Dwarven cities from the hordes of Darkspawn, though he has not revealed it to the public. You are a part of one of the noble Dwarven houses, and your spy has obtained the information. Therald is old now, all of his children died at birth, or on the battlefield. He had a nephew, but he ran off to join the Grey Wardens. When he dies, your house could propose this plan and become the royal family. Only problem is, a number of noble families have the same information and ideas. And it will be a race to see who is nominated for royalty. However, there are problems for Dwarves as a whole brewing on the surface. The Chantry are campaigning against the Dwarven species, calling them heathens and Infidels. Godless creatures who wish nothing more than to encase every man, woman, and child in stone. Labeling them as Necromancers, regarding the dead with reverence, and resurrecting skeleton soldiers with bones made of stone to invade the surface. Dwarven shops are being raided and merchants are being captured and executed, or stuffed into cages hanging from trees to starve to death. Even Dwarves in the Grey Wardens are facing hostility. Not that this bothers the Dwarves of Orzammar, the majority of which doesn't consider Dwarves that go to the surface, are Dwarves at all. Though there are some royal houses that see the danger of this. That if the Chantry gets enough supporters, they will be able to launch an invasion of the Frostback Mountains. And Orzammar. So, are you one of the houses that wishes to use the information of a battle plan to sit on the throne? Or will you support good old King Therald in his Twilight years? Or will you fight to prepare or prevent an invasion from the Chantry? Or do you have ulterior motives altogether?