Hi there Greenhorn X3 That's awesome, happy late birthday! Did you do anything exciting? And aah, I don't know a lot of things either about roleplaying x,D so it's okay! And haha, I have a kitty as well c: His name is Tobie xD So maybe our cats can be friends? Or we can be too xD And oh what're you taking? Like I'm assuming you're in college, what's your major? God, sometimes my fingers type faster than my laptop can handle yuck -.- and my day was poopy, I worked 5 am till 7:30 pm. i hate working two jobs XDDD and I like lots, mainly modern things though, you? And I'm not too much of a fan of chocolate, depends to be honest. o_o xx Haha, hi Kali! I'm glad you don't mind the emoticons XDDD cause I can't help but use them oops xx Hi Cynder, I think I will stick with that?? I have a cat too XD But that's awesome, since you were three though?! wow. that's crazy o: Um, my zodiac, I am an aries. Oh god, what are you? Are we compatible to be friends?! Favorite tv show, no freaking idea. I love the simpsons, family guy, american dad, switched at birth, sons of anarchy. As you can tell, it's quite a different variety XD How about you? DUDE POKEMON are you kidding?! yes, my boyfriends nickname for me is micachu like pikachu XDDDDD i plan on getting a pikachu tattoo one day c: My favorite dog breed, don't have one. I love them all, I just got a chihuahua 'cause he picked me out at the humane society c: I was gonna get a beagle but this little stinker wanted me so xD xx Hihi c: My boyfriend is addicted to that game Destiny, and it doesn't look too bad. I actually made myself a character haha. A novel would be neat! I'm sure you could do it if you set your mind to it c: If you don't like barking dogs, you'd love my little Pedro. He doesn't bark, hardly ever. Only does when he needs to go potty xD I trained him to let me know xD haha but hi again XD I don't mind if you blabber on, seriously.