Pierce smiled, his eyes locking on hers. He had missed this, just being able to talk freely amongst friends. Missed high school and everyone in it. He missed her. Now, it was just working with other employees. In the real world there weren't really friends, we had all grown up. "I'm doing good. I've driven away from the partying and settled down, I'm a lawyer." Pierce said with a chuckle. He was probably the least likely to ever take to a serious career, but he had always been a sucker for the law. "And a mighty fine one if I say so myself." He adjusted his tie with a smirk and a raise of his eyebrow, running a hand through his thick dark hair. As his eyes locked on hers, he smiled. Pierce never had the guts to admit it, but he was in love with her smile. Raina and Pierce had been nothing more than close friends, and no matter how much he had wanted that to change back in high school he had been to nervous to even admit he thought she was cute. But it had been several years...yet he still had those feelings. The feelings that his 18 year old self had. They had never completely gone away. Pierce looked at her and just smiled, glad to once again be surrounded by friends.