Hey! My name is Hunter, but you can call me TheMusketMan if you like. I'm a 15 year old dude and I started role-playing almost 3 years ago now. Albeit different than play-by-post, but role-playing nonetheless. I like writing stories, Doctor Who, Legend of Zelda, Fallout, and Classic Rock n' Roll. I think the Dwarves from Dragon Age are the best and that Stand Up comedy is the best kind of comedy. I'm currently a sophomore in high school and struggle with a deadly affliction called Procrastination. I want to join the Military, become an author, and drive a big rig for a living (All at the same time preferably). I'm a dog person (Bad experiences with cats) and I love to hunt. I live in the beautiful state of Idaho and hate anything above 75 degrees Fahrenheit. My favorite American Football team is the Denver Broncos.