[quote=Whirlwind] August couldn’t help the grin on his face when Camilla said she didn’t have a boyfriend. Ugh, he was turning all gooey just like he did in front of her back then, wasn’t he? He was thinking about how any man could possibly have not snatched her up yet, when she asked about his girlfriend, making him hesitate. Luckily she asked if he wanted to walk before he could answer. he smiled with a bit of relief, offering an arm of his to take if she wanted while they walked. He was nothing if not a gentleman. [b]”Laney and I broke up. My girlfriend that is. She moved out before I left to come here,”[/b[ he blurted out, feeling he could be honest with Camilla. After all, he owed her that. And at this moment, he was glad to be single and here on this beautiful island with his high school crush. [/quote] Camilla smiled at him seeing him turn all gooey like he used to do back in highschool! "Awwww! Haha. You still do that? That's so cute!~" she said as she took his arm, since he offered as they walked outside and into the beautiful sands. They were making their way to the beach, which was the closest to the house. "It's so beautiful, August. And I'm sorry about yourself and your girlfriend...well ex." She said looking up at him, and instead her hand went down to his hand as she grabbed it tightly, their fingers locked on one another. This was going to be the best vacation ever! Besides, she was with her highschool crush!! Maybe there would be a second chance between them...hopefull, she really wants to be with August, ever since highschool. Camilla bit her bottom lips softly as she got closer to August, now getting closer to the beach, as she noticed some Jetskis on the beach. She never been on that before, to scared but with August she would definetly do it. "August we should definitely try that sometimes." She said pointing at the Jetski.