You dildo-faced-ass-clown. Name: Lina Bano Age: 24 Gender: Female Profession: Bellydancer-Exotic Dancer (Not a stripper) Social Network Status: N/A [img][/img] Upbringing and History: Lina's upbringing was relatively normal. Being an only child of a couple who owned the local bagel shop, she wasn't brought into much. Its not that she was spoiled and longed for a luxurious life, she simply craved something [i]more[/]. At an early age, she found her escape through dance. She loved everything about it. She loved the costumes. She loved moving to the beat of the drums of the strums of a guitar. She loved to make people speechless in awe as she moved....but with strict parents who insisted that she get a "real job", her escape would simply have to wait until after high school. After high school, Lina did not go to college. Instead, she moved out of her town and into Seadrift with all the hopes and ambition a young girl could have. Over the years, her simple busking on street corners in order to pay a month's rent in a dangerous part of Seadrift developed into something more. After busking came a time when she danced at a small restaurant on some slow moving street. It didn't pay much but it was enough to keep her from living in the bad parts of Seadrift. That ended when she was offered a job dancing in some five-star restaurant in the high-class part of Seadrift, where she continues to work. With an excellent pay and a more than generous amount of tips, she lives comfortably doing what she loves. Power: Teleportation - At level 1, you can teleport to another area of the room with great focus.