Apparently they hadn't seen him, oh well. He lead his evenings entertainment to the great holo-projector where she was given her watch and passed off to a female who was here last year to help her get acclimated. He himself had no watch, or at least not like the others, he had his arm upgraded with a jarvis interface that let him communicate through the up-link to his cybernetic systems. All the same some people got a show as his hand clamped onto the port and uploaded the newest data. ~Shalom aleichem, David~ ~Aleichem Shalom, Rabbi~ Normally having an AI jacked int your head is the start of a bad movie, but this was part of a controlled experiment to improve AI responses by observing all forms of interaction on such an infinitesimal scale. It could read his every action or reaction each nanosecond to file, compile, and compute behavioral studies to improve automated response for any other programs that could use such data. It also served as a moral compas for him when he needed it, hence his naming the AI Rabbi.