...Ah?! With her face flushed initially upon being called, she nodded with a slight before standing up and walking over to the talking instructor to take hold of the clipboard as asked. Alright...Let's...see now. Taking a moment to go over the list, it wasn't too terribly long. She just...hoped she could get the names right. Allowing her eyes to gaze up and over the bus inhabitants, she began from the top to the bottom. [i]"Ah...Andrew?"[/i] The quick duck of a male's head came long as she spoke the name, slight confusion on her face before she shrugged it off and counted him as the one that she was looking for. With that, a quick check would be given to account for his presence. [i]"Evera?"[/i] A nice, calm, "Present" was returned for the inquiry, and a soft smile came past the Shrine Maiden's lips as she checked her off for being present and went on. [i]"....Ah...As...hil...Arr-"[/i] Corrected before she even had a chance. A soft apology would come from Mai before she counted him as being present on top of his terrible mood of sorts and continued downward.The last name...Huh... [i]"Phobetor?"[/i] She really couldn't put the name to a face, so she could only hold onto the clipboard until an answer or silence ensued. Regardless, she'd place the clipboard back down after a few moments and...well...retake a seat closer to their instructing guide in order to listen to him better. He had pointed outright that she was probably the only mortal mixed in this case. No bigshot, no super-powerful being...Just a girl with faith and a caring god. Hopefully this wouldn't backfire...Hopefully so. She was already a bit worried on how she would adjust to the new school as it was...