The waves rose up onto the shore, calm after such a violent storm. It tickled the coast gently, rising up, and the quickly escaping, leaving bits and pieces as a reminder of its arrival. The ocean, once a dark and terrorizing gray, had now calmed into a serene light blue, the type that one would typically think of when they thought of the beach. Along with the shore were pieces of driftwood and steel, no question where that came from. But besides the general junk, bits and pieces of possessions were here and there, perhaps a bit of cloth or remnants of a doll. The beach, perhaps pretty at one point, had been trashed, not only by the garbage that had washed upon its once beautiful shores, but the various leaves and fallen trees from the island itself. Speaking of which, the island was fairly nice, perhaps it would have looked better if one had happened upon it before the storm. Mostly tropical, its jungle held a vast amount of trees, and undoubtedly, even more life within it. As one could see, the jungle had to stop at one point or another, and give way to mountains. First, grassy hills, that eventually broke into cliffs and jagged edges which signaled the other side of the island. ~ The Captain found himself laying there and observing what he had gotten himself into. He had, of course, fully expected not to have survived the shipwreck. After all, the chances were slim to none. But besides simply not wanting to get up, his muscles ached when he tried to move them. Feeling old, and not even in middle age yet. How pathetic! Right leg? Pins and needles, but able to move, and left was the same. Hmm, arms? Joseph struggled to force himself upright, though his arms screamed in protest. He sighed when he sat up, lazily brushed a few stray locks out of his eyes. "Situation status... Grim." he sighed to himself, turning to look over his shoulder at the island once more. He had most likely been sitting there for hours, simply contemplating and accessing the situation, and the island, and yet still he had but little to say about it. But, he decided, enough was enough, and forced himself to stand, having much more difficulty than just sitting up. "C'mon old chap." he coaxed, patting his legs, "I know it hurts, but we've got stuff to do." And with that, he heaved himself upward, stumbling before catching himself again. And thus began the start of his search, not only for his crew, but passengers as well. "Hello? Is anyone there?" he shouted until his voice grew hoarse, "If you can hear me, just shout!" He desperately hoped he wasn't the only one to wash ashore and survive. How befitting, the one captain who didn't go down with his ship. What a shame. It felt like hours that he walked the beach, along the line where jungle met sand. Perhaps there was someone.... someone who indeed was on this island with him.