[b]Aemiliana[/b] The girl nodded. "My friend Pentalius Noctura offered me his hospitality, though I doubt he expected me to call upon it so soon." She frowned for a moment. "But... once this comes to light, you have nowhere to go. Unless..." She trailed off for a moment while she sorted through ideas in her head. "Well, I've got an idea... Don't know how well it will work but it's something. Take a sheet and put splotches of red dye on it. Ideally that would be blood, but don't hurt yourself for it. Wrap it around some rocks so that it's like the shape of a body. Make sure you have some of the blood on your hands and sleeves before you go out. Then take the rock bundle, carry it to the river, and dump it in. Report to my father and tell him that you tormented me until I expired and then you dropped my body in the river to leave my soul eternally wandering." She gave a rueful smile. "Oh, and for the blood..." She rummaged around on one of the shelves of the storage area until she produced a large undyed bedsheet. Then, gritting her teeth, she opened a shallow gash in her forearm (with the knife she had hurt her father with and had managed to retain a hold of) and let her blood run into the sheet in large spots. She then held her wrist out to Gaius. "Rub the blood onto your hands, so that it gets around your fingernails and into the creases. Don't rub it in too much; leave some of it spread over the surface." He must think her mad, but she'd do anything to ensure that her rescuer would not meet a gory death. That was hardly a fair repayment.