Nona simply giggled as Aemilia caught her drift, nodding as she mentioned Evandrus. He wasn’t Nona’s cup of tea, but the thought of a match that would hurt one’s sister was appeal. [b]”Oh by the gods do it,”[/b] Nona whispered, obviously wanting to live through Aemilia at the moment. Getting back at her husband and hurting Secunda in the process? Oh Nona could only imagine. Now if only she could get that lucky. Sure, she could buy a boy, but she would rather have one enamored by her. She almost got too lost in her own thoughts before she recognized Aemilia speaking about the games. [b]”Yes, Octavius… my he would be lovely to sit with and catch the eye of,”[/b] she said thoughtfully, the two girls smirking and plotting on how to hurt others while getting a little happiness of their own. Her mind could just reel with the possibilities. [b]”I personally would have to make sure it was someone strong you know, the total opposite of Crispus. Someone that would really get under his skin because he could never truly compete,”[/b] she said, her voice almost like a snake’s. ----- Ateret made her way to the docks, still distracted a bit when she hesitantly entered her father’s work room. He was particular about being interrupted, but as she peered in, two men were leaving and her father seemed to be putting away a scroll. She stood back, politely nodding to the two men who were too busy talking amongst themselves to notice her really. After they’d gone, she entered, forcing a smile on her face. [b]”Father?”[/b] she said softly, hoping he would be glad to see her. Marcus turned around and smiled as he saw his daughter, obviously in a better mood than he had been this morning. Not to mention, seeing Ateret dressed up properly instead of in common clothes with a dirt streak on her face made him happy as well. [b]”Daughter, you look as if Sol himself kissed your hair this morning,”[/b] he said, walking over and kissing her forehead. [b]”What has brought you? I’m about to leave to head for the collesseum presently so I hope it is something quick?”[/b] he asked, making time for her but also needing to follow the men that had just left. They had reached an accord about Ateret’s future marriage plans and he had to bring the lucky lad in on the deal. Ateret was pleasantly surprised by her father’s demeanor, but then again, perhaps seeing her give an effort by dressing this way did indeed make him this happy. And if it did, shouldn’t she continue? After all, it wasn’t [i]too[/i] much of a hassle was it? Now she was conflicted, between making her father this happy and her own wants. Unless of course, this was about something else. [b]”Well… what has you in such high spirits, Father?”[/b] she asked, a dark eyebrow raised, clashing slightly with her golden hair. [b]”I’m glad you asked,”[/b] Marcus grinned, moving back over to his work table and pulling out a piece of parchment. [b]”Do you know what’s listed on this paper, Ateret?”[/b] he asked. She shook her head no of course. [b]”Your dowry. And I have found a suitor for you whose owners have agreed to the terms pending his agreement, which they have pretty much guaranteed,”[/b] he spoke happily, folding the parchment and holding it. Ateret’s eyes widened and her lips parted. Of course she knew this day was coming, when her father actually married her off, but for some reason she was still surprised. [b]”Ow-ow-owners?”[/b] she stuttered, confused. Was she marrying a slave? [b]”A gladiator my dear. If he doesn’t get killed today, perhaps a free one. He has quite the reputation,”[/b] he said pointedly, as if proud to marry her to such stock as a brute fighter. Ateret was still in shock, just standing there as Marcus breezed past her, kissing her forehead again. [b]”Alright dear whatever you had come to me for will have to wait until the next meal time. I have to go.”[/b] And with that, the merchant left, leaving the headstrong girl staring after him, unsure what to do with herself next.