First off, I'd like to comment on your writing style. Everyone prefers different sentence structure, and it can be difficult to find a partner that writes in a way you enjoy. Luckily, reading this request didn't feel like a chore. It flowed well, which made me especially happy! Now, onto your request. I'm not much of a reader (though I don't like to admit it), nor have I seen many science fiction films and shows, but the ideas and concepts do excite me. I had to look up Adalites, and must say they look pretty cool. I don't mind playing alien characters, but might have to make up my own race (otherwise I'll jumble up facts). Playing multiple characters and genders doesn't bother me, plus it's a given when you're participating in a 1x1 RP. A mercenary character sounds fun to act out. Anyway, if you're interested in role playing with me, we can discuss plot details.