[center][b]Kasim - Rheinfeld[/b][/center] --- The slap only served to amuse Kasim. He could see that Moira was interested, but apparently her current stalking of Davian took precedence. Grinning, he hurried after her yet again. At first he thought the woman having demon blood meant she was an agent of the demons themselves, but he found himself persuaded by her statement that demons hated her kind too. It was entirely possible that she was here for less than evil purposes, and his talk of wanting to fuck her hadn't been a lie, so it would not be heroic at all if he were to kill her outright here and now just because of his suspicions. That was how villains started out in a lot of the longer tales, well-meaning men who did a bad thing for a good cause and then just slid into the abyss of evil. He didn't want to be the villain of a traveler's tale, so he did not try to stop her or harm her. Kasim spoke up again as he caught up to Moira. "Now who's making assumptions? When I said I knew what you were, that's exactly what I meant. If I thought you were the real thing instead of just having some of the blood, I wouldn't be chatting you up, I would be raising the alarm and trying to kill you." He quieted for a moment, considering whether he'd just spoken the truth or not. He knew he probably would fuck a demon if given the chance, but given the circumstances and the mission at hand he probably would do the alarm raising thing if he had spotted one here. Being a hero had to come before getting laid, after all. Satisfied with his self-assessment, Kasim continued on. "It's alright though, no harm done. You were right, I am a pig, but I'm also a persistent one. You've got business with Davian, that's fine, I get it, business comes before pleasure. I'll just tag along and make sure none of these Crusader assholes get it in their head to kill you just because of your skin color. You know how they can be, I'm sure. Then after you're done, hey, maybe you'll be in the mood for something more entertaining than dealing with Lieutenant Shitbrains of the Templars." That said, Kasim let her pull a couple steps ahead of him and slipped his bow off his shoulder. He did not draw an arrow yet, but he kept his right hand near the quiver hanging from his belt. He hoped that he wasn't making a huge mistake in letting the woman get near Davian, but he couldn't shake the feeling that it would be far too obvious for a tiefling to be the bad guy at a gathering of Crusaders, thus she had to have some good reason for being here instead. There was nothing for it but to follow and to be ready to put an arrow in her back if necessary, so he followed and remained ready. --- [center][b]Zin - Rheinfeld[/b][/center] --- Zin chimed in to add to Alida's response to Taigyn, giving him a more comprehensive answer than the Republican leader had deigned to give. "I received a telepathic message from Kasim saying that there's a tiefling woman disguised as a Templar and following Davian, and that he in turn is following the tiefling to make sure she causes no trouble. Davian is heading for the barn to investigate some odd feelings coming from it. I would suggest that we leave the barn situation to Davian, Kasim, and the Republic soldiers who are already nearby, as I am sure they're capable of investigating and dealing with whatever they find. The Templars ought to stay here in case there's more trouble afoot. Better safe than sorry, as Alida said." She gave Taigyn and Alida both a pleasant smile. "Distracting though the situation may be, I think it would be best to continue on with the meeting as planned. There's naught to be gained from delaying, and I'm sure we'll have ample warning of any troubles coming our way from the barn, should it prove to be anything more than a false alarm."