[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/0yiwRaM.jpg[/img][/center] [hider=Prolouge] [i]This story is one like no other. It is a story of war and peace, chaos and order. It is a story of hate and love, life and death. It is a story of sacrifice and greed, heroes and villains. Most importantly, it is the story of us. But to tell our story, we must first tell another;[/i] Once they became the masters of Earth, Humans became the masters of the galaxy. They spread out into the skies like a tidal-wave, crashing upon all systems and planets in their way. They expanded their civilization across the stars, dominating any other life in their way. A time came when all men became united under the banner of the Mahzan Empire, and the humans proclaims themselves masters of the galaxy, paragons of peace and technology. [i]But this was not to last.[/i] The Empire became to large, and the peace it knew for centuries was threatened by a population no longer united by similarities. The provinces of the Empire had become too unique, to different from one-another to coexist. Thus the Great Separation began, the ruling structures of the Empire packed up and receded into the local sector. This was not done without planning however, and in each province, a ruling party was left behind. The Oru'Tau Sector was to be guided by a collective of their most intelligent minds, debating all aspects of life and governance, while the Memlo Sector became a true democracy, where a politician's power was only equal to how many people they befriended. The Free Expanse became a chaotic place without supreme rule, the Advace Sector was under the tyranny of a powerful aristocracy, and the Oneon Sector was governed by a confusing system of favors that would be better left out of this story. Each sector had it's own history, it's own legends, and it's own heroes. [i]But those are stories for a different day.[/i] For the Spamellis Sector, a region of constant trouble for the Mahzan Empire, was to be ruled by a King, half-Mahzan, half Spamin, King Ultimus Primus. For three hundred years the Ultimus dynasty ruled Spamellis, while the other sectors developed their own cultures and the Mahzan Empire retreated to the depths of Sol, there was order in Spamellis. The people flourished under their kings, and the kings would always remember that their people came first. The glory of Spamellis knew no bounds, the Royal Fleet patrolled the reaches of the Sector, constantly expanding, keeping the countless pirates and bandits at bay. [i]But chaos was only a breath away.[/i] The sudden disappearance of King Ultimus Acturus VII, without any heir, engulfed the sector in a brutal and bloody dynastic struggle lasting three years. At first, it was minor, brothers and children of the king found support in various senators and wealthy families, fighting among themselves. The Royal Navy eventually found themselves in the conflict, fighting for the claimant with the most money, and eventually claiming their own officers as Kings. The Core systems descended into a political nightmare, a member of the royal family would gain control of the throne, only to be killed and usurped months, weeks, or days later. The outer rim, now neglected by the throne, began to govern itself, forming a hasty alliance of local rulers. The struggle was the bloodiest conflict in known history, great men and women killed before their time, lost to the allure of power. [i]And just as quickly as it started...[/i] The fighting finally stopped at the revelation that only one member of the royal family remained, the young nephew of King Ultimus, Crown Prince Azarthus Ultimus III. The remnants of the Royal Navy universally claimed for him, defeating any rouge senator and uniting the Core, bringing peace to weary citizens of those city-worlds. In turn, the rest of Spamellis put down their arms and recognized their new King, but the peace was fragile and the will to fight still remained. The new King Azarthus launched a campaign into the outer-rim, intent of bringing the rebellious systems back under control of the throne. [i]And that, dear reader, is where our story begins...[/i] [/hider] [i]Chapters will be released every Wednesday[/i].