Raiki usually kept a set of notes for school and another for Brain Burst(which he had not yet shown to Lily). Simply because this was more than just a game to him. It is a lifestyle and shouldn't be taken lightly. Though he does know how to differentiate between the two worlds. It was never life-threating serious. He was off in his own world jotting down plans and and short range goals. Even working on a possible training schedule for Lily. This was just a formality. There was more to Brain Burst than nonstop training to get better. She had to learn and grow from her own experiences. The bell rang marking the end of the class which snapped him out of his own world. It was now time to move on to lunch. Where he planned to meet up with Lily. He quickly saved his notes and closed the files. He makes way to the planned meeting spot. On the way, Raiki kept linked to the net. Practically welcoming other burst linkers. This would create an opportunity for Lily to put he practice to good use and for Raiki to asses progress. As well as weak points that need tweaking. He makes it up to the tree where he spots Lily. "Bon appetit" he says as he approaches with a warm smile. "I hope you're ready, but there's no rush". He claims a spot to the right of her and grabs his own assorted lunch box.