[quote=ChirpingChip] That's fine, I'm particular about RP partners as well. How many posts do you expect each day? Also, will this RP be in third or first person? [/quote] I usually keep the standards low for posting frequency by saying at least once a week at the [b]bare minimum[/b]. Of course, I'd rather people post much much more than that, but I understand that things come up, and there's just those days when you just can't write, so if you post at least once a week, you'll be kept in the game. I'm used to slower rate RPs, but I do want this roleplay to have a faster pace than my other failed roleplays. And it will be in third person. I hate roleplaying in first person. [quote=BlackholeRG] Could you elaborate a bit more on the function of the assigned pairs? Does the answer have a partner? If not, then how does this not give away their status as the answer? [/quote] The pairs are basically there to force characters who might not interact with each other otherwise to cooperate. It's just meant to stir up drama, and build/break relationships. The answer doesn't have a partner, there is only one "answer". Unless the answer tells his/her partner that s/he's the answer (Which I will NOT recommend), it won't give anything away. The answer will be assigned a partner, but they will have no idea that their partner is the answer. Remember, the answer's objective is to throw everyone off and get them to guess wrong. Who better to start with than their own partner? I hoped I answered your question. It makes so much sense in my head, but that doesn't mean I'm good at explanations x_x [quote=Prints Avoid] This has my interest. I'm not sure how well I could RP this sort of scenario but I'm willing to try. [/quote] Awesome!