[center] [img=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Banner_of_the_Blueshirts.png] Name of organization: Blueshirts Name of organization's leader: Sean O'Duffy Name of Associate(s) and specialization(s): Type of Organization: Paramilitary Orginization Paramilitary Groups – Groups that share the same organizational structure, training and subculture of a professional army without belonging to any official armed forces of any state. Paramilitary groups often use extortion, kidnapping and terrorism in their operations. Paramilitary groups have high levels of professionalism back lacks in the field of access to new technologies. *Loyalty: 2 *Efficiency: 2 *Mobility: 3+ *Level of Professionalism: 5 *Access to Equipment: 3+ *Access to Finances: 2 *Access to New Technologies: 1 *Access to New Recruits: 2 *Ease of Concealment: 2 Ideology and Philosophy of the organization: Pro-Fascist, Anti Communist, Anti Socialist, Extremist Catholics Prefered methodology of Organization to accomplish their task: Terrorism, Assassination, Intimidation Organization's headquarters: Belfast, Northern Ireland History of organization: Founded by Eion O'Duffy in 1932 to protect conservative values and stem the rise of communism and socialism in Ireland. the group has supported brigades in the Spanish civil war and in WII but since the death of Eion the group has slowly gone underground building up their power and influence over the years. Now with a new rush of support and nationalism in the Irish peoples the Blueshirts are prepared to once again continue their campaign against the British and finally create a united Ireland even if it means blooding their hands Ultimate objective of the organization: Create a United Fascist Irish State and liberate Other nations under British rule (I.E. Scotland and Wales) [/center]