It was a weird world they lived in, a sort of "Earth", but without all the annoying humans. "Middle-Ground", they called it. It was more of a central meeting point, or perhaps common grounds was a better term. Angels remained in their World, and Demons in theirs, but this place was where anyone could gather without risk of being immediately slaughtered, no guarantees. It was a place of mingled business and interactions, a place where there was reluctant acceptance. Still, there was still somewhat of a divide, Angels tended to hang around one place, and Demons in another, with Town Center, as large as it was, being a free for all. Tensions were high, as always, but war was definitely not an option. Keeping the balances in check was hard enough already, without most of their resources going into funding a war. Right now, they were bound by a sort of truce, but neither trusted one another to keep it. Trust, after all, was a hard thing to earn, and an easy thing to lose. ~ Town Center was a weird place, Lyra decided, a mingle of both Demons and Angels, and their cultures colliding. It was weird seeing it all at once, but if there was any sort of neutral ground, it was here. She entered the tavern on her right, a popular place, based on what her friends told her, and the constant stream of people going both in and out. "Two," she ordered the Angel working behind the counter, sliding into place at the bar and placing a few bills down, "And make it snappy." She wouldn't say, but she was looking for someone. Truth be told, she hadn't met him before, and she was admittingly a bit nervous, but she had something she needed to ask. The bartender came back with her drinks and swiped up the money, counting the bills as he walked away. Lyra rolled her eyes, but picked up one for the two mugs, sipping at it occasionally, her eyes shifting to the door once in a while. Come on, her lead couldn't have been wrong, could it?