Hello Genkai and "May the Great Bird of the Galaxy Smile upon you and your endeavors" I too know of your Pain having tried several times to start a Star Trek RP in 1X1 and Casual, heck I didn't get a nibble at all in Free. (I know Gasp! Unclean thing I actually tried to go Free) I am as the saying goes "A Geek Girl" and Star Trek is one of my passions, I even own most of the Last Unicorn Games Star Trek Table Top books and supplements (FYI we Geeks sometimes refer to it as Star Trek LUG) Now I'm rambling as is often my won't, sorry. Well on to the iron in the fire. I'm not as is possible to see by this post Advanced material, it's a personal flaw which for reasons of my own I see no correction of in the near or distant future. I do know of the few Star Trek fans here in the Guild and believe one is often in the advanced section and will see if he's currently seeking a Trekie Fix an has the time. I also believe he's a Whovain much like myself as well so who knows it might work in your favor that you're both as well. Well sorry to have rambled so much in your thread but the slow boredom of the RP I'm presently engaged with has done little for my need to Role Play or write. Goodspeed Rumiko the Rambling Goddess