The waves they hit her form every side after the ship went down. She had not gotten on the life boat as she was told instead she had been trying to help others in, that was just how she was. Every time she tried to take a breathe it would either be forced out of her by another wave hitting her back or chest or be nothing but salt water instead filling up her lungs. Is This it she thought to herself as she reached up out of the water only to pass out the second her had felt a slight and calming breeze. "Hello? Is anyone there?" she heard a voice her eyes still closed was she dreaming in heaven perhaps had she died? "If you can hear me, just shout!" that voice again but softer and broken up this time. Her eyes slightly flickered open but shut to the brightness of the sun. She stayed laying down and opened her mouth to respond to the voice she ha heard. But with an abrupt jerk she sat up cough and spitting out the salt water that had taken over her lungs. Coughing hard and loud trying to get every bit of water out of her. she stopped finally able to take a big breath of fresh air in. She kept a hand on her chest feeling ash she took in air to see if anything was broken or bruised, sure enough she had a few bruised ribs and her lungs had been badly sliced up from the small partials of salt in the water. She looked over to her left then to her right, that's when she saw who the voice might have belonged to.