Zetram and the Kel Dor Master conversed about the mission, discussing the best course of action as the ship swirled toward their destination. "The presence of a tribunal member further suggests that the information Master Greon obtained is nothing short of invaluable. It also suggests that the sith may very well be expecting us. The extraction must be swift. Expect a trap. Plan for contingencies." The salarian said aloud, eying everyone before locking his gaze with the Kel Dor. "You must lead the Jedi Knights in our charge and spearhead the retrieval of Master Greon and his padawan." "What about you, master?" The Togruta uttered. Zetram looked at him sternly but the padawan did not shy away. "If my master is to lead the mission ... what will you do?" "Sabotage. I will infiltrate their communication tower. As soon as you retrieve Master Greon and his padawan, I will signal our transport for extraction before jamming the base's comm array. Should they be alerted to our presence, reinforcements will be delayed -- momentarily. More than enough time for us to make our escape. That of course is after I hack into their surveillance systems. Once I'm in, I'll be able to navigate you through the base and to our targets." "ETA in 5!" The pilot said through the com. "Going dark!" The lights dimmed to an ominous dark red. Silence took over. Zetram approached the younger jedi, keeping his bulbous eyes focused on Krios, Rozalia, and the Togruta. He sensed much concern in them, and upon that revelation, he softened his expression with an assuring smile. "Remember, trust in your training. You were all chosen for this important task because of your abilities. Have faith in yourself and let the force guide you true. We [i]will[/i] bring our Jedi home." The salarian put on his helmet then pulled his hood over it. Just then, Zetram sensed a feint glimmer in the force; waning, like a star glowing on its last spark. [i]Hold on. We are coming.[/i] The door slid open. With a tap on his omni-tool, Zetram leapt forward and disappeared from sight.