[b][center][u]Rakata Prime- Stravon Dridis[/b][/center][/u] This man was named Darth Reaver apparently, but judging from his looks he certainly fitted the bill. Stravon answered this Sith Lords question. "My name is Stravon Dridis, I'm here on a diplomatic mission in order to gain the sith's support for a campaign. And since you train the sith apprentices I suppose this affects you in some way." Stravon held his hand out towards the sith lord, hoping that he'd shake it. The better acquainted he was with the hierarchy the better the chance was that they'd see the good in fighting for him. [b][u][center]Space over Vondarc- High General Vallen[/b][/u][/center] "Sir the fighters have left the docking bays and the Secondary fleet has given the confirmation that its in place and ready to enter the battlefield upon your orders" The Captain had given Vallen all the information he needed to make his move. It was time to ensure victory and annihilate the enemy fleet. Vallen gave the final order in his booming, commanding voice. It was a harsh and resonate voice, which came with being Kaleesh but it was brilliantly effective for command. "Disperse the Vanguard and move the Colossus in firing range of the enemy command ship, this will force them out of their line!" The frontal cone of Frigates and cruisers moved onto the left flank of the ship to reinforce Xer Loa's portion of the fleet. And then a slight hum emanated from the ship as that main cannon was being charge and the Colossus began moving forward out into the middle of the field of battle. The enemy command ship appeared to be a captured Republic cruiser, it's basic design and model were the same but it had been slightly modified. "Unleash a barrage of Gauss cannon shots at the enemy command ship, they don't have to be direct just open up their shields." "Yessir!" Vallen seen a flurry of small blue blobs begin flying towards the enemy ship, they came in two's and the vast majority of them found their mark, strictly speaking the Gauss cannons were out of range as they lost a lot of energy over long distances but this didn't matter, a small hole was all that was need. And Vallen got exactly what he wished for. A small opening in the front shield began to reveal itself. "NOW FIRE!" Vallen shouted in his booming voice. Energy could be felt flowing through the floor, the air almost became electrified as the Hyper-Collider became fully charged, and with a silent boom and large burst of light it fired a single deadly shot. Everybody seen something hit the enemy command ship, it began to rupture at the front and then a Incredible blue light filled the Colossus' viewing window. The shot ripped through the entire ship and hit the Mass effect drive, the resulting explosion completely disintegrated the rear end of the Cruiser, and destroyed 2 frigates that were on its right side. The entire enemy fleet was in disarray, but they made the unfortunate decision of trying to get closer to the Colossus, obviously trying to prevent it from pulling off another shot such as that. Vallen smiled... It was all over now. The second fleet appeared in the debris field that used to be the enemy command ship and war started to show it's true colours.