"If you can hear me, just shout!" John heard as he walked. He had finally gotten caught up to the owner of the footsteps. Then he heard coughing. He looked behind him and saw a girl laying on the beach. How had he missed her? He must be getting heat stroke. The sun had been beating down on him for god knows how long. He ran to the girl and knelt beside her. "Are you alright?" he asked, sympathy in his eyes. "What a stupid question. Of course your not alright. You're sitting on a beach hacking out a lung after a shipwreck and a man you've never met is rambling on to you. It doesn't sound very alright to me. But then again, maybe that is your definition of alright. I guess I can't be sure because we've never met. I do apologize. I haven't properly introduced myself. My name is John," he said with a smile and a glint in his eye.