[i]Only eleven!? This girl is probably an example the reason fledgling is even a classification of vampire.[/i] Still, Kuro had said to be respectful. And even if Hisako was the one who had this place built, Kuro was the boss around here as far as she was concerned. He was an elder vampire; that in itself said something. Sure, Hisako didn't like following the orders of somebody who typically acted like a kid (though she'd much prefer that over listening to someone who actually was a kid), but he was the strongest here. Unless those rumors about Priscilla were true. Hisako shuddered at the thought. Not because she feared having an Ancient here; quite the contrary. Just the notion that somebody that powerful was going to be here. [i]"You're right, Hisako, we will need more humans to sustain our needs. 3 humans is not enough to feed..... Um..Several vampires. I could go and collect a few more, if that is needed for the benefit of the group as a whole."[/i] "I'll tag along, but let's save it for tomorrow. At the very least, we can all get a nice meal for the next couple days, but you didn't count the one Kuro brought in. Four humans is much greater than three, and it seems the introduction circle has come back around to me. So again, I'm Hisako Saito, the founder of the sanctuary. I don't want anybody putting the place in danger, got it?" "Speak your age," a second, taller woman said from the front door. Clad in black armor, with a distinctive mask over half of her face, and brandishing a black sword. The description fit only one vampire so well as Priscilla the Ancient. "I am Priscilla the Ancient, otherwise known as the Skull Queen, aged two-thousand, one-hundred and seven years old. The threat of vampire extinction in Japan has been deemed a crisis where I'm to be summoned, and thus, I am here." Hisako looked as though her blood froze solid in her veins. Sure, she'd been casually dismissing the talk that an Ancient - Priscilla, no less - would be here, but to actually see that they were true was a bit overwhelming. "Yes...Hisako Saito, age 98." "So much for her big talk," Priscilla muttered, entering the building proper and closing the door behind her. "Barring myself, who among you is the eldest? I've only been informed that vampire life is in danger in this nation, so I'll need somebody to explain to me the details."