Jason moved on up towards the door of the boss room where Rorik was making his scene staying close to Lucy as he did so. Lucy was the only person close to a friend Jason had on this raid and Jason didn't particularly fancy parting ways so soon after meeting. Jason had also noticed the large, deadly looking two-handed straight-sword Lucy carried. It looked as though their combat styles were very different and, if this were true, then they might make a decent partnership in combat, covering one another's weaknesses Jason thought. Jason quickly reached the shocked looking defensive line of guildsmen blocking access to the door. The men and women of the guild were attempting to hold back the crowd as per their guilds instructions however Jason sensed they lacked resolve now, possibly torn in their loyalties by the unproven but heinous plans of their higher ups and intimidated by a large and angry raiding party. Many of the raiding party were being rough with the guild members, pushing, shunting and generally venting frustration on them as they pressed past but Jason, unkeen on acting as both judge and prosecutor in a case without evidence, let them be as he made his way to the front of the surprisingly unified crowd. "Cover the anger and ravenous rage, make it a part of your power! Pummel'em down, let your bloodlust engage. Under your force they will cower!..." Rorik's rhyming speech came as a surprise to Jason. Crazy as this man was he certainly had a flair for the dramatic. Shortly after the speech finished the doors to the boss room opened and the raiding party entered.