[b]Aemiliana[/b] Aemiliana looked up at Pentalius and rose to her feet. "I did not expect to find you coming here so soon, Pentalius. I'm afraid things did not go so well as I hoped, but I would appreciate if we could find a more... discreet place to converse. It would not do for these things to become public knowledge." She forced a smile. She also whispered to him, "And could you please dispose of the 'my lady'? That's part of what I need to talk to you about." [b]Gaius and Aulus Vitellius[/b] Aulus and Gaius exchanged a long glance. Finally it was the emperor himself who spoke. "I suppose that solution will have to be sufficient. Though I do wish the prisoner could have suffered more, after she struck myself and my honorable son with a blade. Be cleansed, and resume your guard duty by the time the sun is three hand-widths over the horizon." That would leave him an hour, ample time to get the blood off of himself and get into a new uniform. But then Gaius thought of something else to ask. "Halt, Ignis. With what weapon did you end the prisoner's existence, and in what manner?" Given the stabbing attempt, it should have been with the blade that she tried to kill her father with, which was too small to reach someone's heart. So she had to have died by bleeding out or by getting her throat slit. It was a clever test to see if Ignis was telling the truth or not.